
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Romania and the euro

History Romania euro On 1 January 2007, Romania joined the European Union and therefore, committed to the acceptance of the euro once it complies with all the needed conditions. At that peculiar clip, right before come ining the planetary fiscal crisis, the acceptance of the euro seemed to convey many alone advantages and was considered as the top precedence refering the hereafter options. However, this is non the instance any longer, as things have changed along the old ages. The first clip Romania announced its program to fall in the ERM was in May 2006, as a status for come ining the Euro Area after 2012. However, the day of the months for come ining the Eurozone were changed many times, as Romania kept proroguing it, as it did non pull off to follow with all the standards at one time. In December 2009, the Rumanian authorities officially changed the day of the month for fall ining the Eurozone to 1 January 2015, as the acceptance of the euro is the 2nd most of import aim of the National Bank, after the 2005 denomination of the Rumanian currency leu, which ended a period of more than 15 old ages of heavy rising prices. Despite this, two old ages subsequently, in April 2011, it announced it was doing all the attempts to carry through the first four standard, but that it will non be able to fall in the ERM by 2013 or 2014. Still, 2015 seemed like an unrealistic mark, as it was really hard for Romania to follow the euro by that clip ( Valentin Lazea ) , and this was confirmed by Mugur Isarescu, the governor of the National Bank of Romania, who stated, in November 2012, that Romania will non be prepared and will non fall in the Euro Area by 2015. Harmonizing to his statements, the hold was caused by work force productiveness, besides adverting by non being portion of the Euro Area, Romania was really advantaged during the period of European debt-crisis. Consequently, Romania did non stipulate a mark day of the month for following the euro in the Convergence Programme of 2013 to the European Commission, as it did non desire to come in the Euro Area unprepared. ( Victor Ponta ) Finally, in the Convergence Report of 2014, Romania indicated the 1 of January 2019 as the new functionary day of the month for euro acceptance. Indeed, 2015 was rather an impossible mark, holding in head all the reforms the state assumed, when following the Maastricht Treaty. Thinking about the positive side, Mugur Isarescu emphasized the advantages of maintaining the national currency ( NYT 2012 ) , stating that by non giving up the leu ‘Romania obtained obtained a flexibleness in seting the involvement rates, in commanding cashflow and in leting rising prices in order to cut down the budget deficit’ . However, he besides stated that this brought ‘unhappiness and letdown, as fall ining the EU was seen as a solution to all problems’ , underscoring the public sentiment which was in favour of following the euro. Furthermore, by maintaining the national currency, the exports from other EU member which have non yet adopted the euro were encouraged, doing it easier for the state to take less extremist steps for forestalling the fiscal crisis. On the other manus, even if Romania is non portion of the Euro Area, it depends in a great extent on the development of the euro. The country’s economic system, finance of loans and exports are straight related to everything go oning in the Eurozone. This shows one more clip the necessity of following the euro Talking of advantages, the one ensuing from following the alone currency must besides be taken into consideration. The riddance of rising prices and of the exchange rate, the decrease of the macro-economic hazards and of the involvement rates, the riddance of dealing costs and currency hazards, the integrating of the fiscal markets and the development of international trade alongside with the increasing grade of pulling higher investings are merely a few of them. ( The acceptance of the Euro by Romania Ioan Dan BRA‚TEAN ) However, the Erste Group Bank stated that the 2015 mark is really ambitious and that Romania would happen it difficult to carry through. This is non particularly because of the obstructions posed by the convergence standards, but instead because of existent convergence standards, as the state struggles to make several required degrees refering the existent convergence conditions, such as increasing the GDP per capita from 50 % to more than 60 % above the Euro Area mean degree – EGB ) . Furthermore, fall ining the Eurozone in 2019 require come ining the ERMII in 2017. Therefore, advancement demands to be made particularly refering this procedure. Therefore, at the present minute, Romania does non follow with all the convergence standards necessary for fall ining the Euro Area, but the state did nevertheless aligned itself to the demands and aims of following the alone currency and fall ining all the European Union establishments in the procedure. ( wiki ) Conformity with the standards in the period 2007-2011 As mentioned in the old chapter, the trial of nominal convergence consists chiefly of the grade of accomplishment of the Maastricht standards: monetary value stableness, sound public fundss, sustainable public fundss, exchange-rate stableness and convergence lastingness. Refering the first standard of monetary value stableness, Romanian failed to run into it in the period 2007-2013, as the one-year mean rising prices rate was higher than the standard required ( it exceeded 1.5 per centum points above the three best executing MS of the EU ) , as it can be seen in the tabular array above. The one-year rising prices increased from about 4 % in the first half of 2007 to 8,7 % by the 3rd month of 2008. ( CR 2008 ) The chief causes were an acute addition in monetary values of nutrient, a rise in monetary values of import ( as a effect of the depreciation of the national currency in 2007 ) alongside with another addition in the monetary values of trade goods. ( CR 2008 ) The highest values were, though, registered after the economic crisis between 2008 and 2011. In fact, of all time since come ining the EU, the Rumanian norm rising prices has been good above the mention value and it even increased during the old ages. In July 2008, it reached a three-year high point of 9.1 % , but it decreased up to 5.6 % in 2009, still being an hindrance on the manner of come ining the Eurozone. However during 2010 and 2011, the rising prices rate was expected to diminish well, due to the slow economic activity, making a degree of 4.3 % and 3 % severally. In malice of these prognosiss, rising prices in Romania remained rather high. ( CR 2010 ) Sing the standard on authorities budgetary place, in 2007, Romania recorded a 2.5 % of GDP as financial shortage, a value below the mention one of 3 % . As for the authorities debt ratio, it amounted merely 13 % in 2007 and 13,6 % in 2008, good below the mention value of 60 % . However, an increased financial consolidation was necessary, in order for the state to keep the shortage ratio far below the mention value and to carry through the aim on medium-term from the SGP, the same specified in the Convergence Programme ‘as a cyclically adjusted shortage cyberspace of impermanent measureas of around 0.9 % of GDP.’ ( CR 2008 ) Up until 2009, Romania was non capable to a determination of the EU Council refering the being of an inordinate shortage. However, since July 2009, the Council asked the state to rectify this shortage by 2012. The general authorities shortage reached 5.4 % of GDP in 2008 and increased even further to 8,3 % of GDP by 2009. In the undermentioned old ages, it decreased well, but still non run intoing the mention value. ( CR 2010 ) In what may concern the long-run involvement rates, these were on mean 7.1 % , both in 2007 and 2008, good above the mention value of the standard on involvement rates. This tendency was observed of all time since Romania joined the EU and it continued to remain the same in 2009 ( 9.4 % ) , 2010 ( 7.2 % ) and 2011 ( 7.3 % ) . ( CR 2008 and 2010 ) In footings of exchange-rate stableness, Romania has gone through a period of big fluctuations merely during a little period in 2009, when the exchange rate surpassed the +/-15 % allowed bound. In fact, the state received international fiscal aid, which led to the national currency stabilising during 2009 and at the beginning of 2010. The short-run involvement rates were narrowed, which reflected significantly in improved money market conditions overall. ( CR 2010 ) However, the state was non yet take parting in the ERMII, still runing on a floating exchange rate government. Conformity with the standards during recent old ages: 2012-2014 During recent old ages, Romania seems to hold improved slightly in what may concern some of the convergence standard. However, the state still struggles with high rising prices and it besides didn’t manage to go portion of the ERMII, one of the most of import conditions for fall ining the Eurozone. Of all the convergence standards, Romania finds it most hard to follow with the monetary value stableness one. In fact, it has ne'er managed to accomplish an rising prices rate lower than the three best executing EU MS, as the status requires it. In 2014, for illustration, the rising prices rate registered 2.1 % , while the maximal allowed was 1.7 % . Still, it is the best ‘compliance’ up until now, being merely 0.4 % above the mention value. ( CR 2014 ) By looking at the recent informations, the one-year rising prices decreased well since making a high degree in September 2012 ( 5.4 % ) to merely 1.1 % in September 2013. However, in April 2014, it increased once more up to 1.6 % , due to a rise in the excise responsibilities on fuel. ( CR 2014 ) Indeed, rising prices fell well during the 2nd half of 2013, due to several grounds such as, decreases in nutrient monetary values ( good crop ) or a diminution in the VAT for flour and other bakeshop merchandises. As prognosiss, the major international establishments predict the mean one-year rising prices to lift in 2015 up to 3.3 % . There are nevertheless some hazards that must be taken into history, chiefly related to a strong addition in planetary trade good monetary values and farther deregulating of energy monetary values. Despite all these, it is hard to accurately foretell the consequence that the procedure of ‘catching-up’ of Romania, connoting lower degrees of GDP per capita and of monetary values than in the Euro Area. ( CR 2014 ) When taking into consideration Romania’s authorities budgetary place during recent old ages, the first thing that should be mentioned is that presently, the state is non capable to a determination of the EU Council on the being of an inordinate shortage. In 2012, the state has so surpassed the mention value of 3 % , making 5.2 % , but in the undermentioned old ages, it has managed to remain within the bound ( 2013 – 2.9 % ; 2014 – 2.3 % ) . This consolidation was expenditure-driven, as the entire outgos relative to the GDP decreased by 1.7 per centum points, while entire grosss declined by 1 per centum point during 2013. ( EEF 2014 ) Taking into consideration the customary no policy alteration premise, the GDP shortage is expected to diminish even further in 2015, achieving a depression of 1.9 % . This would be go oning at the same tie with the betterment of grosss, a stronger domestic demand being the most of import driver of growing. Besides, Romania must do ce rtain that it makes adequate advancement towards making its medium-term aim, viz. a structural shortage of 1 % of GDP. ( CR EEF 2014 ) As for the authorities debt to GDP ratio, Romania has complied with the bounds during recent old ages, holding registered values good below the 60 % mention value. However, the value is expected to increase up to 40 % and to keep this degree during 2015. The primary dangers that can be assessed to the budgetary public presentations are related to the outgo control refering the revenue enhancement aggregation. ( EEF 2014 ) In footings of long term involvement rates, Romania has managed to register a 5.3 % value on norm in 2014, good below the 6.2 % mention value of the three best executing EU MS. In recent old ages, the long term involvement rates have fluctuated around 7 % ( 2013 – 7.25 % ; 2014 ; 6.36 % ) , as the rising prices kineticss tended to forestall the downward tendency in the nominal involvement rates. As in the last old ages, rising prices has declined well, this allowed the cardinal bank to decelerate down the policy rates. This in bend, resulted in a narrowing of differential in long-run involvement rate between the Euro Area norm and Romania. In respects to the exchange-rate stableness standard, the first thing that should be mentioned is that Romania did non pull off to fall in the ERMII, even though it traded under a government of flexible exchange rate, with a managed natation of the currency. Therefore, the exchange rate of the national currency leu against the euro has emphasized a high grade of volatility. In May 2013, the Rumanian leu somewhat appreciated, but instantly weakened, as the volatility increased during the half of 2013. Afterwards, the leu managed to acquire stronger once more, and it stabilized its degree around the 1 obtained at the beginning of 2013. As a long-run attack, April 2014 brought a close degree of the existent effectual exchange rate of the leu against the euro to the historical norms on 10 years’ clip. Furthermore, the current and the capital history of Romania had been adjusted during recent old ages, as challenges from the external environment.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Task a Unit 055

Task A 1) What duty of care means in children and young people’s setting. All adults who work with, and on behalf of children are accountable for the way in which they exercise authority, manage risk, use resources; and safeguard children and young people. All the adults working within the setting have a duty to keep children and young people safe and to protect them from any sexual, physical and emotional harm. Children and young people have a right to be treated with respect and dignity. Trusted adults are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety and well-being of children and young people.Failure to do so may be regarded as neglect. The duty of care is exercised through the development of respectful and caring relationships between adults, children and young people. It is also exercised through the behavior of the adult, which at all times should show integrity, maturity and good judgment. Everyone expects high standards of behavior from adults who work with c hildren and young people. When someone accepts such work, they need to understand and acknowledge the responsibilities and trust that the role brings.Employers also have a duty of care towards their employees, both paid and unpaid, under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This requires them to provide a safe working environment for adults and provide guidance about safe working practices. Employers also have a duty of care for the well-being of employees and to ensure that employees are treated fairly and reasonably in all circumstances. The Health and Safety Act 1974 also imposes a duty on employees to take care of themselves and anyone else who may be affected by their actions or failings. An employer’s duty of care and the adult’s duty of care towards children should not conflict.This means that adults should: * understand the responsibilities, which are part of their employment or role, and be aware that sanctions will be applied if these provisions are breach ed * always act, and be seen to act, in the child’s best interests * avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions * take responsibility for their own actions and behavior 2) How this contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals. Duty of care safeguards children by the setting doing daily risk assessments and taking precautions to avoid accidents or the spreading of infections.They must follow the correct procedures if they have any concerns for the child’s well being. They should set clear boundaries for children depending on age, stage and development and discourage any behaviour, which could result in a child being harmed or upset. Assessments and observations on children should be carried out regularly to alert you to any problems that may need addressing. Practitioners should always listen to what children have to say and take any concerns they may have seriously.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Electro-Mechanical Control Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Electro-Mechanical Control Systems - Assignment Example Top-down approach in problem solving is used to solve the problems in different stages and sections. Thus, it is rather easier to solve the smaller problems rather than solving a big problem. It is rapid process of solving the problems. Rather than decreasing the viability of the solution, it enhances the reusability of the solutions and provides solution for various other problems regarding the problems or encircling the major given or discussed problem. Makes larger problems into smaller parts that can easily be solved and remain more manageable. Makes it easier to evaluate the sources of problem and correct the problem from source. In general, top-down approach splits the problems in smaller sections and parts that make the problems easier to solve and more manageable in every manner. The quality of the results remains much better as compared to that presented by other problem solving approaches. At the end, the individual results are combined to solve the problem on a scale (Math ieu, 2002). Ball Screw is a liner actuator that converts rotational motion of a moor or a rotating shaft into linear displacement. It presents very little resistance due to the ball bearing mechanism for the linear displacement of the screw. The assemble with the ball bearings act as the nut of the device while the rotating shaft or the threaded shaft acts as the screw of the device. When the nut assembly moves with respect to the rotating shaft, the balls move inside the nut assembly. There is no direct physical contact between the nut and screw. Ball bearings support and hold both the nut and screw assembled together. The whole mechanism makes the Ball screw to present lowest tolerance and highly precision at every stage. The shaft of the ball screw or the rotating shaft holds the ball bearings and presents helical raceway for the ball bearings. In this manner, the ball screws are able to with stand heavy loads

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

MANAGEMENT PSYCHOLOGY- Drawing on theories and debates introduced in Essay

MANAGEMENT PSYCHOLOGY- Drawing on theories and debates introduced in the module carefully study the photograph provided below an - Essay Example There are many important reasons why the two subjects in the picture act the way they do. Here in this image is a particular situation which requires meaningful understanding. Motive is a very important point in this image. In the first place, one would eventually want to find out why the woman and that somebody else act the way they do. A woman was spreading her legs wide open in front of another woman who is wearing a white suite. This would give us an idea that the setting must have taken place somewhere inside a medical clinic or a hospital. The woman in suite might be a doctor attending to her patient who is waiting to be checked. This scenario would be enough for us to understand the act, scene, agent, agency and purpose, Burke’s idea of a Pentad that would truly lead us to understanding about the motives of the actors involved within the stated actual scenario and he definitely made a point of making it easy for us to understand the actual motive. The image could also b e a depiction of how we could understand the actual behavior in an organisation particularly the actual purpose of a precise action. It is relevant to ask the necessary information or ideas that are tantamount to understanding why a specified act was performed, and the Pentad makes it easy for us to understand the main point. ... On the part of the management, knowing the exact motives of the human resource is an advantage because this could be a way to inform them of the ultimate move to do to maximise the achievement of organisational goals. For this reason, there are varying theories in psychology that try to explicate the different approaches to motivation applied in the context of an organisation. There are many important points that one should understand why an individual would have the motivation to do something, and Burke’s Pentad is an essential tool to support the following approaches to understanding motives. Instincts drive motives There is a theory of instinct approach by which it assumes that some motivating factors are biologically determined and are essential to survival (Pastorino and Portillo, 2011, p.308; Nevid, 2008, p.284). This means that hunger or thirst might be explained as a response to an instinct for survival. This would also mean that to have sex is an essential response to an instinct for reproduction. Based on the image, the woman seeing her gyneacologist and acording to the theory of instinct in understanding motives could therefore be a specific response to an instinct for both survival or reproduction. The reason that it could be for survival is due to the point how the woman might ensure a good health. The woman having her medical check up could be a way of getting rid of harmful diseases common among woman. This could also be due to the ongoing process of treatment, which allows the doctor to give diagnosis and treatment, all for the advantage of the patient to have a longer life. This picture from the point of view of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Phases of a trial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Phases of a trial - Essay Example Based on the potential jurors’ responses to questioning, the judge can excuse them at this stage. In addition, using challenges ‘for cause’ and ‘peremptory challenges,’ both the prosecution and the defense may leave out some jurors at this stage. A judge can use a peremptory challenge to leave out a juror for any non-discriminatory cause. On the other hand, the judge can use a challenge for cause to leave out a juror who has proved that he/she cannot be truthfully objective in the decision of a case (â€Å"Trial† 1). Menard explains that the questioning process goes on until all parties’ attorneys become satisfied with the jury’s composition or exhausts all challenges that law permits. To make sure that there are enough jurors for deliberation, alternate jurors are essential. The judge decides when to excuse alternate jurors (9). After jury selection, the first dialogue at trial is in the form of two opening statements, one from the defense and the other from the prosecutor on government’s behalf. At this stage, no physical evidence is used and no witnesses testify. The prosecutor gives his/her opening statement first and in most cases, it is more detailed than that of the defense since the government has the ‘burden of proof’ as to the guilt of the defendant. In some cases, prior to making its opening statement, the defense may wait until the main case of the government comes to conclusion. During the opening statements, the prosecutor submits the case’s facts, from the perspective of the government, and takes the judges through the proof that the government will make. Additionally, the defense presents its own interpretation of the facts to the jury, and establishes the basis for the presentation of any legal defenses to the charged crime(s) and the rebuttal of key government evi dence (â€Å"Trial†

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discuss the implications for managers that work with different Essay

Discuss the implications for managers that work with different national cultures - Essay Example There are both negative and positive repercussions on the management and managers brought out in the course of interacting with different national cultures, which end up causing changes in the corporate management functions and control. Companies need to hire employees from the local regions; meaning management could find face several challenges in their managerial roles, due to barriers arising from differences in national cultures, which come with their distinguished values that the managers or the organization struggles to identify with. Development of Effectual Cross Cultural Communication Skills As businesses are set up across the globe, and the companies intend to capture the market attention, managers have to be equipped enough to overcome the communication barrier that exists when they are taken into different regions, the cultures and languages of which are different from their local settings or previous organization environment. It is definitely very difficult for manger to work with colleagues who speak a different language, since the communication is interfered with. Miscommunication happens to be a common problem that human resource managers deal with while working with teams from different national cultures. ... At times, managers may be in foreign nations or could be working with team members who have been allocated to the managers or organizations local settings. Some ways which managers can facilitate effective cross cultural communication entail practicing active listening, reading out the signs or symbols and watching out for cultural assumptions, accessing brief teachings or using language guides, understanding language of space, time and context (HCareers n. p.). Of late, dealing with such challenges has enabled management to use technology in order to facilitate standard communication; this could include groupware and websites for sharing of information and to improve communication (Jones and George n. p.). The implications for managers that work with different national cultures include: 1. Creativity and innovation Working in different national cultures provides opportunities for managers to think critically, first of all on how the organization’s operations and objectives co uld be accomplished, and how to motivate employees’ performance in the different cultures. The existing components and architecture of the organization may not always work best at all situations and cultures. Similarly, even the products produced by a company in a certain region may not perform well in different markets, due to different cultures the organization’s branches may be operating in. Sometimes managers prefer to have a specific brand for their products across the globe, but this only proves to be successful if the market perceives a good image of the brand and its quality of products. Therefore, managers need to assess the culture they operate in, study the consumption behavior, preference, and limitations to success of the existing products or

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strikes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Strikes - Research Paper Example As a means to an end, it recommends strategies that an organization can implement to maintain a successful working relationship with the unions. The management plays a pivotal role in a firm. It ensures that the working environment is conducive for the employees; hence, reducing cases of strikes. It also works jointly with the unions to improve the welfare of the workers and ensure high productivity. Additionally, it controls and manages the activities of the firm to guarantee smooth running of the business. Most of the organizations have unionized employees; thus, the unions ensure that the rights of the workers are fully protected. On the same note, they impact organizations negatively and positively. For instance, they ensure increased profitability, reduced turnover, and improved relationships with the employees. However, in case there are disagreements, there is likelihood of engaging in strikes; hence, low profit and negative publicity. In that case, organizations need to work jointly with the unions by seeing them as partners and developing a strategic partnership with them that is based on respect and trust (Ghosh, 2 005; Tschida, 2006). This discourse focuses on discussing the role of the management and unions in an organization. It also gives a detailed summary of the effects that unions have on the management. Finally, it recommends strategies that organizations can implement to create a productive working relationship with the unions. It is without doubt that the trade unions play a major role in enhancing productivity; thus, managers should work together to maintain a positive working setting that is based on mutual trust and social cohesion. Managers are paramount in a firm as they ensure all activities are in accordance to the stipulated goals. The main role of an organization’s management is to guide firms towards accomplishing their goals as well as

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hate crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Hate crimes - Essay Example Other standard investigations by the FBI include religious bias in the form of religious structure vandalism or damage and election crimes in the form of prohibiting one from voting due to religious, race, color, or disability (FBI â€Å"Overview†). The FBI has developed the Cold Case initiative that looks into and identifies unsolved cases that they act on to find answers and impart justice on behalf of the victims and their families. The FBI task force has also partnered with civil society, community groups, non-governmental organizations, and the local, state and county statute enforcement agencies to implement the task of investigating and execution effectively. The partnerships set the ground for training workshops and dialogue for awareness creation on hate crime. Such a platform is key to confidence building so that individuals can learn to report cases of hate crime to the FBI. The FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) compiles hate crime data submitted voluntarily by about 17000 law enforcement agencies across the United States. Their personnel is properly trained to ensure authenticity if they collect and send to the FBI. Statistics shows a decrease in hate crime related offenses from 7722 in 2006 to 6624 in 2007. In 2007, out of the 6624, only three were multiple-bias incidents while the remaining 6621 being single-bias incidents. These included 50.8% racial bias, 18% religious bias, 17% sexual oriented bias and 13.2% ethnic or racial bias (FBI â€Å"Overview†). From statistics, intimidation was the leading type of hate crime with 47% followed by simple assaults and aggravated assaults with 31% and 26.9 respectively. About 81% of hate crimes against property involved destruction, damage or vandalism as followed by 18.6% involving burglary thefts, bribery and counterfeiting. Hate incidents could be single or multiple biases.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Frontline Employees and Ethical Dilemmas Assignment

Frontline Employees and Ethical Dilemmas - Assignment Example Nurturing Customer Relations Customer relation is imperative in business management. Experts posit that its effectiveness depends on top management’s commitment to exemplify leadership, strategic direction, and entrepreneurial goals (Cap Gemini and International Data Corporation, 1999). Business managers conjectured that customer-focused model demand management to train and improve workers’ skills and knowledge on customer relations. It is essential to motivate them and to become more responsive and sensitive to customer needs and behaviors (Chen & Popvich, 2003). It improves performance management skills and reduces some unnecessary protestation or disagreements. Reward and incentive program and team-building can also increase workers’ commitment to performing their tasks well (Chen & Popvich, 2003). The management must also use the driver for changes to be adaptive with trends, like the use of information technology to reach home-based customers and to develop a database on purchases made and products or services consumed (Chen & Popvich, 2003). ... This database provides an innovative dimension to understand customer behavior and to deliver their needs effectively and timely (Chen, 2001). Such innovations, radically changed the approaches to managing customers as business intelligence applications (Chen, 2001) allow interactive communication through heterogeneous sources. IT reduced traditional marketing research processes e.g. customer surveys and group-based discussion (Chen, 2001) and proved the accuracy of information in profit analysis (Chen, 2001). Ethical Dilemma & Some Empirical Examples Despite modernization aiding customer representatives, there remain many ethical dilemmas which executives must manage by setting procedures as support mechanisms. Ethical dilemma put a person in a situational reflection on moral imperatives. This oftentimes happens while workers are in a social interaction with customers or co-workers, especially when the workplace is serving a multicultural and multiethnic setting. A person is faced w ith a question: right or wrong? good or evil? Which to choose? However, business ethics vary depending on the vision, mission, vision and the ethical policies adopted by the company and of the management. In hospitals, for instance, medical practitioners adhere to Code of Medical Ethics which mandated them to consider foremost the welfare of their patients by adhering to honorable behavior and by providing the competent medical care to patients (American Medical Association, 2011). To cite Case 2, the surgeon was confronted with the dilemma about instituting euthanasia or not to a patient in a vegetative state following an accident. Family members of the patient requested the institution of euthanasia after learning the impossibility of patients’ survival.  

Income Distribution Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Income Distribution - Annotated Bibliography Example The second factor is the labor market that contrasts the standard supply model with the alternative possibility of bargaining power. Tax cuts lead to managerial energies that divert the remuneration expense at the expense of employment. On capital income, the authors cite that Europe adheres to a U-shaped model that inherits wealth through capital income taxation that curbs inequality. The controversy surrounding income inequality attributes to technological change and globalization. On the issue of inherited wealth, the author observes difference in magnitude across countries. The existing estimates show differences between the French U-shaped patterns that apply to Germany. The wealth surveys tend to underestimate inheritance receipts and that explains the reason behind the rise of inheritance flows in the recent period that appears limited in some countries. The variations in the total magnitude of wealth accumulation also explain the variations between the countries. The authors use different approaches to explain the differing experience in other advanced economies. The rise in the share of the top 1 percent has a noteworthy effect on the overall income inequality in America. During the First World War, the authors find that economic growth accompanies a rise in inequality and a decline in inequality. An interwar period fails to exhibit secular downward trend in the shares of top incomes. In the issue of tax rates that authors find consistency of tax rates that contribute to the earlier decline in the top income shares. The decline in the top capital incomes is the primary driver of top income shares in the early twentieth century. Lastly, the authors talk concerns earned income and capital income. The joint distribution of earned income and capital income compares with a Ricardian model. The pattern of crossing represents the copula that illustrates joint distribution in terms of ranks in the distribution of capital and earnings income. The authors

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Literature Displays Positive Character Trait Through Characters Essay Example for Free

How Literature Displays Positive Character Trait Through Characters Essay Traits Through Its Characters It is known that a piece of writing can do more than tell a story, but can also portray indirect ideas to the reader. A narrative piece is able to show positive traits, presented through its characters. Literature can display a variety of positive attributes, through different characters, and situations. This is demonstrated in the story, â€Å"The Blue Bead,† through Sibia’s acts of selflessness, and again in the text â€Å"Long, Long, After School,† through Miss Tretheway’s acts of kind-heartedness. In the story â€Å"The Blue Bead,† an example of how literature shows positive raits through its characters, is composed by Sibia’s displays of selflessness when saving a woman from an attacking crocodile. In the text, the narrator states, â€Å"Sometimes it had seemed difficult to cross these stones, especially with the big gap†¦ But now she came on wings†¦ and in a moment, she was beside the shrieking woman (pg. 61). † This shows selflessness because Sibia, usually hesitant on the slippery stones, flies across them making rapid footing decisions, throwing herself towards to woman being attacked, aware of the fact that if she falls, she could harm herself severely. Another piece of evidence is shown when the narrator states, â€Å"Its eyes rolled on to Sibia. One slap of the tail could kill her. (pg. 61). † This shows selflessness because the young girl willingly put her life at risk, to save one that was not her own. Through the young girl’s displays of selflessness, one can see how the text, â€Å"The Blue Bead† portrays a positive trait through Sibia. Throughout the text, â€Å"Long, Long After School,† Miss Tretheway shows kind- heartedness through acts presented in the story. An illustration of this is when a flashback occurs, back to when Miss Tretheway states, â€Å"Why, Marilyn, Wes’s hands re much cleaner than yours. Maybe Wes doesn’t like to get his hands dirty†¦ (pg. 114). † This shows kind-heartedness because though Miss Tretheway is Wes’ teacher, she stood up for him when his classmate insulted him in front of his peers. Another illustration of how Miss Tretheway shows ki nd-heartedness is when a character states, â€Å"She gave me a whole quart, just as soon as she found out that hers would match. † This shows kind-heartedness because one was willing to give up blood, an element that signifies life, almost immediately to save someone who with the woman shared a student-teacher relationship. Through the acts of kind- heartedness displayed through the story, â€Å"Long, Long, After School† shows that literature shows positive attributes through its characters. A piece of writing can portray positive traits through its developed characters. Sibia shows selflessness through her acts of saving the woman being attacked by the crocodile, putting one’s own life at risk. Miss Tretheway displays kind-heartedness by standing up for a student, and giving the aforementioned student a much needed blood transfusion. These examples show that positive traits can be demonstrated through characters presented in literature.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Consciousness In The Movement Of Existentialism Philosophy Essay

Consciousness In The Movement Of Existentialism Philosophy Essay This paper aims to briefly write about the role of consciousness in the movement of existentialism. We will discuss primarily and briefly the respective existential preoccupations of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to set the mood of our endeavour; to which we will end by addressing in deeper detail into Sartres conception of consciousness and the denial of it, viz. bad faith. Sartre would be treated more deeply because I hold that he is the culmination of existential movement. One striking thing to note on Kierkegaard is his three stages of existence, namely the aesthetic, ethical and religious stages. The first two stages, interestingly enough, respectively brings about boredom and existential suffocation, which leads us to the favoured stage of Kierkegaard, the religious stage. This stage is achieved by a leap of faith, an acceptance of the finiteness of man when confronted by the reality of death. Whereas the first two exists distracted by the demands of their roles, the third one made a choice when confronted by a realization of the aspect of death. Kierkegaard existential bent is towards a realization of how feeble and insignificant the existence of man when confronted by the reality of death. Nietzsche is another brand of existentialism. A one-hundred sixty turn from Kierkegaards position, he declared God is dead. Though not exactly a metaphysical declaration, it tells us the milieu of Nietzsche is in, with its dying Christian morals and the momentum secular morality is gaining. His ushering of his teachings on the Over-man is a particular point I want to take note. The Over-man is someone who realized his capacity to create outside the dictates of the norms of a given society. The concept of Will to Power is a more important element than pressure for adaptation or survival. Will to power applies to all living things, suggesting that adaptation and the struggle to survive is a secondary drive in the evolution of animals, less important than the desire to expand ones power. Nietzsche eventually took this concept further still, and transformed the idea of matter as centres of force into matter as centres of will to power. Consciousness makes us understand this demand than a ny other life forms, and unlike other living things, maximize the world around us to have power. As pointed earlier, consciousness of ones position in existence is the root of the existentialist drive. Consciousness of ones self is the source of freedom. Consciousness of the other limits it. But what is consciousness according to Sartre? All consciousness is the consciousness of something, following from Husserl. It is intentional and directive that goes beyond itself, to a transcending object. This is where the distinction of being-in-itself, or beings that are outside consciousness, arises away from beings-for-itself, or beings that are conscious. But this consciousness is not the Ego of Descartes, since for Sartre the original consciousness is pre-reflective and non-personal. The I and Me does not come into existence until consciousness itself became the object of reflection. This distinction brings us into interesting and exciting ontological explorations. Since this position of understanding consciousness is fundamental in Sartre, we see that neither my own existence nor that of the other can be proved but that both are factual necessities which doubting these existence would collapse into solipsism. Consciousness also establishes the connection between the world and the Ego, neither creating each Other, it insures the active participation of the person in the world. Most importantly this consciousness infinitely overflows the Ego, and this relationship inadvertently is the foundation of bad faith. Bad faith is a lie to ones self. This self-deception is possible when the human being divides itself, one level or aspect concealing from the other what it in some sense knows. Sartre tells us that the consciousness with which we use to generally consider our objective surroundings, to experience phenomena, is a different degree from the consciousness of ourselves being conscious of these surroundings; we call these two degrees as pre-reflective and reflective consciousness respectively. Despite the unity of a single consciousness, the paradox arises from the condition of its operation, the shift of degrees in how we are conscious. Sartrean bad faith finds its root when human beings are pre-reflectively aware of what they may not reflectively know, and they dismiss the pre-reflective awareness and hide under the reflective one. This is the twofold dividedness in human beings, of psychology and ontology. Since for Sartre consciousness, especially the pre-reflective aspect of it, entails a consciousness of our separation from the world, something that Camus also echoes in his observations of the absurd and this aspect gives us freedom. Freedom then is a product of us being aware. We are also always aware of this aspect in us, our consciousness always ultimately tells us that we are a being-for-itself. This capacity to manipulate these two levels of consciousness makes us interpret the factual limits of our objective situation as overwhelming in light of our reflective consciousness, but at the same time making us aware of alternatives beyond and around these limits because of our pre-reflective consciousness. Psychologically, the pre-reflective awareness that gives us this bad faith is the one that chooses to keep oneself in the dark about certain matters such as responsibility in our freedom. Meanwhile ontologically speaking, bad faith has its basis from the dividedness of the human existence that leads to an ambiguous mix of facticity and transcendence. We flee our anguish when transcendence collapse into our facticity and feel like automatons with determined existence; or when we dismiss our facticity into transcendence and be like a battered wife that still prays for his husband to change his ways. Since nothing prevents consciousness from making choices on its way of being, it fears this boundless freedom, this spontaneity, because it feels that it veers beyond freedom. This brings us anguish. The recognition of our capacity for freedom renders insurance in our pasts or our personality that will lead to usual patterns of conduct meaningless. A consciousness with bad faith wavers back and forth, demanding the privileges of a free consciousness, a being-for-itself, but escaping the responsibilities of having one, of having freedom, by imagining that one is protected in an already established Ego, of pretending to be just a being-in-itself, devoid of any responsibility for perfection. Habits, practices, objects and institutions are instances from where we escape our responsibilities, and maintain distractions from these responsibilities. Fundamentally, one cannot really escape responsibility by adopting any of external moral systems such as religion or politics, such endorsement is still a choice and which one must take full responsibility for. Bad faith in an attempt to avoid the angst which accompanies the realization that our existence has no coherence except for what we ourselves create. Thus, bad faith comes from within us and is itself a choice a way that a person uses their freedom in order to avoid dealing with the consequences of that freedom because of the radial responsibility that those consequences entail. To show us better what he means, Sartre writes of a woman who has the choice of whether to go out on a date with an amorous suitor. In considering this choice, the woman knows that she will face more choices later on because she is quite aware of the mans intentions and desires, but chooses to ignore these possibilities in the hope she will not be answerable to how things will turn out. The need for choices is then heightened when, later, the man puts his hand on hers and caresses it. She can leave her hand there and thereby encourage further advances, knowing full well where they might lead. On the other hand, she can take her hand away, discouraging his advances and perhaps discouraging him from ever asking her out again. Both choices entail consequences which she must take responsibility for. Sartre declares that the woman is in bad faith and writes, And during this time the divorce of the body from the soul is accomplished; the hand rests inert between the warm hands of her companion neither consenting nor resisting a thing.  [1]   The woman treated her hand merely as an object, rather than an extension of her self, and pretends that there is no choice and leaves it to the disposal of the moment. Perhaps she defends her posture because of the uncontrollable passion on her part, perhaps she will cite the presence of social pressure that forces her to comply and adapt a particular etiquette, or perhaps she merely pretends not to notice the mans actions and intentions. Whatever the case, she acts as though she is not making any choices prior and during that moment that she was just floated by factors out of her reach and into that circumstance which is also out of her reach. Hence, with that mentality in mind, she holds that she has no responsibility for the consequences that will arise. That woman, according to Sartre, means acting and living in bad faith, and concluding that by adapting bad faith one is free from responsibility, is the gravest and dangerous self-deception. One still is responsible even in such d eception. The reason why bad faith is a problem is that it allows us to escape responsibility for our moral choices by treating humanity as the passive object of larger, organized forces whether it by our genetic make-up, the Will of God, emotional passions, social structures, etc. Sartre argued that we all act to shape our own destiny and as such, we need to accept and deal with the awesome responsibility this imposes upon us. It is not the case, humanity has the capacity of be involved in existence, and surrendering this capacity is a denial of ones humanity. For Sartre, one is the master of ones own project. In a world of consciousness, you are a painter with a blank canvass of reality, taking charge of what you paint and with what colour. But freedom is not absolute, as we are limited by our body, the things around us, i.e. being-in-itself, and by other people, i.e. hell is other people. The concept of beings-for-itself tells us that existence precedes essence, so the dictum of Sartre goes. This is only meant that conscious beings determine their essence, their position in the plethora of existence, without anyone telling us before where we meant to be. A fundamental claim in existentialist thought is that individuals are always free to make choices and guide their lives towards their own project, regardless of any circumstances even if it is overwhelming. The claim holds that individuals cannot escape their freedom, and surrendering ones freedom is still a matter of choice and one is responsible for the consequences and sufferings of p retending not being free. For instance, in our politics, even if a politician cheated the results of the election, or forced his will and seized the government, our reactions are always a matter of choice. Rebellion or compliance to name a few, are some of these choices, and to blame it in circumstances is an instance of bad faith. One must be held responsible for the choices one had made and not blame it in circumstances. Freedom then is not absolute, but rather a continuing flux of action, choices and responsibilities. Some quiver at the capacity and pretends not to have one, of being a being-in-itself, but those who accept relish in existence for itself and for other people. Freedom is a shared experience and responsibility, adjusting as ones consciousness flows with the contours of the objects around us and the other. Existence precedes essence, as Sartre famously coins and summarizes the underlying principle of existentialist projects before him. What he means by this is that determining of essence is not some static definition in the world of ideas, but rather always a possible realization only seen with action in the world of existence. Essence is determined by action. You do your essence by existing as such. Man is a rational animal, as essentialists would claim, then following their formula that essence precedes existence, we could see that whether they are actively rationalizing or not, they are still rational animals, but for Sartre this is not the case. One must rationalize and one must act with rationality, before one becomes and be receives the privileges given to a man. Surely it is strange to call a fool, who lacks rationality, or a murderous villain, which have rationality yet savage, as human beings. It is also a deep injustice to give respect and privileges due to a man, on such bei ngs, and further it is also a deep injustice of not holding them accountable of their actions since they hide under the notion of being a man. As a human being, a being-for-itself, one cannot claim our actions are determined by forces exterior to the self; this is the core statement of existentialism. One is doomed to this eternal freedom because human beings exist before the definition of human identity exists, before one chooses what to be. One cannot define oneself as a thing in the world, as one has the freedom to be otherwise. One is not a philosopher, because at some point one ceases the activities that define the self as a philosopher. Any role that one might adopt to escape the responsibility and flux of invention and creation, does not define the self, because the self is, again, free and not constant it cannot be a thing in the world. Though one cannot assign a positive value to definitions that may apply to oneself, one remains able to say what one is not, one is defined by what one is not. When men go about the world, they have expectations which are often not fulfilled. For example, Im meeting someone in a cafà ©, but upon arriving he is not there where we thought we would meet him, so there is a  negation, a void, a nothingness, in the place of the one Im expecting. When looking for my friend, his lack of being, there becomes a negation; everything I see as I search the people and objects about him are not him. This inner anguish over moral uncertainty is a central underlying theme in existentialism, as the anguish demonstrates a personal feeling of responsibility over the choices one makes throughout life, whether it is to God or to ones self. Without an emphasis on personal choice, one may make use of an external moral system as a tool to moralize otherwise immoral acts, leading to negation of the self. According to existentialism, dedicated professionals of their respective moral codes should, instead of divesting the self of responsibility in the discharge of ones duties, be aware of ones own significance in the process. A doctor must not only memorize the oath, nor the procedure of medicine that is involved, but being in the process of healing he is recognizing the impact that he is doing and the weight of his responsibilities for every actions he commit. This recognition involves the questioning of the morality of all choices, taking responsibility for the consequences of ones own choice and therefore; a constant reappraisal of ones own and others ever-changing humanity. One must not exercise bad faith by denying the selfs freedom of choice and accountability because such denial not only denies ones fundamental capacity and the betrayal of the self, it also gives us an illusion of complacency and stagnation, of pretension of being a being-in-itself. Taking on the burden of personal accountability in all situations is an intimidating proposition by pointing out the freedom of the individual, Sartre, together with the existentialists like Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, seeks to demonstrate the social roles and moral systems we adopt to hide us from being morally accountable for our actions. Every existentialist then challenges us to go out of these comfort and stagnant forms of existence and exist as human beings by overcoming this tenden cy to surrender and seize our freedom and face the responsibilities and consequences it produces.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pricing and Distribution Channels: Hilton Amsterdam

Pricing and Distribution Channels: Hilton Amsterdam Selling a hotel room used to be simple; business would literally walk in off the street. No more. As the number of channels a customer can use to book a hotel room grows, hoteliers will be forced to take a more holistic view of their technological infrastructure, as quoted by Bruno des Fontaines (2007), Vice President for Amadeus Hospitality Group Asia Pacific. Revenue Management is a complex phenomenon with many factors affecting the final outcome. Out of these innumerous factors, playing their role in revenue management, price is indeed one the most powerful tools a hotel can use to increase revenue. The key however is to know how to set the right prices and which distribution channels to use in order to maximize your revenue. Tools using which, any product or service is provided to end consumer, constitute Distribution Channel of that product or service. Success or failure of a product relies greatly upon distribution channels. In hospitality business, a successful channel management strategy consists of selling inventory at the highest possible rates, while pushing reservations through the lowest-cost channels. (Barash 2005) It is therefore of prime importance that a hotel chooses most effective distribution channels in order to manage prices and eventually to maximize its revenue. There is, however, a great array of approaches available to manage distribution channels which makes it a very challenging task for hoteliers, requiring for them to understand all distribution options available. In past hotel distribution channels used to be most simplistic, the traditional main distribution channels were: Brochures Advertising guide books mail shots call centers and Travel agencies. All of these modes, even though very simple and easy to manage, are extremely expensive and have a very limited range. They could be effective for local clientele only. With the passage of time and advancement in technology, other sophisticated and complex distribution channels originated that were never even thought of, such as Central reservations Global Distribution systems Hotel Booking Agent Tour Operator Online wholesalers However most of these channels only acted as a go-between hotel and the global-distribution-system (GDS)/travel agent. (Barash 2005). This wide array of distribution channels no doubt provide a great deal of benefit to the hotel in the sense that its availability to customers increases infinitely, customers all over the world can get to know about any hotel anywhere in the world through a travel agent or website etc. however at the very same time this phenomenon makes hotel distribution channels most complex and difficult to manage. Reasons for decline of GDS as an effective distribution channel as reported by HeBS (2002) can be due to following reasons: Slower than expected travel industry recovery and the weak economy Channel shifting from traditional Consumer-Travel Agent hotel reservations to online bookings (leisure and unmanaged business travelers) and self-booking corporate systems. Growing popularity of online business models (e.g. merchant) that do not utilize the GDS. The emergence of direct interfaces between major online agencies and major travel suppliers thus bypassing the GDS. Services like WorldRes, which utilize direct interfaces to the major hotel brands CRSs also undermine GDS distribution. Decreased corporate travel: the latest survey by NBTA (September 2002) showed that 68% of corporate travel managers said travel was down in their companies from last year, in some cases by as much as 20%. Also, 72% of them said that current travel is below the 2000 levels-the last time travel was at normal volumes. Distribution of hotel rooms through traditional distribution channels such as GDS/travel agent and call center/reservation office, proves to be inefficient and extremely expensive, especially in light of the current weak economic situation. Focusing only on traditional distribution channels will result in lower occupancy rates, and higher distribution and operational costs. In this current scenario internet channels are emerging as more popular distribution channels that are being given increasing preference over traditional channels of distribution. Internet distribution of hotels is of two types: Direct Online Distribution Indirect or Third party online distribution Direct online distribution is where hotel pushes its property through a website constructed and owned by the hotel itself. Whereas third party web-based travel intermediaries such as online travel agents, have a certain number of rooms allocated to them that they sell through their own sites where mostly air tickets and car rentals are also offered among other things. The indirect distribution channel can be further subdivided into further subcategories such as channel to sell distressed inventory such as priceline. (HeBS 2002) A hotels revenue is greatly affected by the method that a customer uses to book his/her room. If a lot of middle parties are involved in booking process then hotels share, in the amount that a guest pays for booking a room, can reduce to a great extent. According to Marvel (2004) a room booked through a travel agent and the GDS (global distribution system) typically costs the hotel 15% of the reservations total. Contrary to popular belief, third-party websites are no bargain either for the hotelier, as they keep about 13% of a bookings value. So-called merchant websites (such as Priceline.com or Hotwire) which basically buy inventory from hotels usually average a 33% mark-up on the rooms they sell. Bookings arriving via the central reservation system of voluntary chains (such as Minotel) can cream over 25% of the clients original payment between travel agent, tour operator and chain fees. Many tour operators working in mass leisure destinations only pay 50%-60% of the normal room pri ce to the hotelier who is lodging their clients. Looking at Hilton Amsterdams site also reveals similar facts, as can be observed from following table: ADVANCE PURCHASE FULL PREPAYMENT, NO REFUND OR CHANGES (price in GBP) Hilton website 243 Laterooms.com 258.76 Orbitz 243.5 Booking.com 254.871 (Rate differences between Hotels website and other online sources: The rate for Twin Hilton Deluxe Amsterdam room, on different booking sites available online, for one day 30th April 1st May 2011. These rates were observed on 4th April 2011) The fact can be clearly observed that best rates for room bookings are given by hotels own website, and obviously so because direct online booking on hotels own website has proven to be the best and cheapest source of distribution for a hotel. eTRAK Full Year 2009 report on hotel bookings by distribution channel as quoted by Starkov (2010) shows that the online channel is the only channel that is growing even in todays difficult economic conditions where demand for rooms is far less than the supply, Internet bookings for the top 30 hotel brands increased by a remarkable 6.6% in 2009 vs. 2008. Whereas hotel room bookings through GDS and Voice Channels, decreased considerably. HeBS findings based on the latest eTRAK benchmark report, surveys and industry data from PhoCusWright and ARC as quoted by Starkov (2010) are as follows: 1) GDS Channel Is in Steady Decline: GDS hotel bookings via the CRS of the top 30 hotel brands declined by 3.7% 2009 vs. 2008, and constitute 23.6% of total CRS bookings in 2009 vs. 27.3% in 2008 (eTRAK). Back in 2006, GDS CRS reservations constituted 31.3% of total CRS bookings for the top 30 brands. GDS share has decreased by 24.6% from 2006 to 2009, when it was reported at the 23.6% level. Travel Agency Share from Total Travel Market in the U.S. dropped from 41% in 2006 to 33% in 2009 (PhoCusWright). U.S. Travel Agency Locations decreased by 7% in 2009 vs. 2008. The number of locations has been decreasing at an average rate of 4% every year since 2001, and the number of travel agencies has declined from as high as 35,000 in 1995 to less than 16,450 in September 2009 (ARC, HeBS). 2) The Voice Channel Contribution Is Decreasing: Voice channel hotel bookings via the CRS of the top 30 hotel brands declined by 2.9% in 2009 vs. 2008, and now constitute 22.2% of total CRS booking in 2009 (eTRAK). Last years decrease is in addition to a decline of 2.8% for the full 2008 vs. 2007 (eTRAK). The Voice Channel is in decline for the 6th consecutive year (HeBS). 3) The Shift from Offline to Online Channel is Permanent: 54.2% of overall CRS bookings for the top 30 hotel brands come from the online channel, which is an increase of 6.6% vs. 2008 (eTRAK). 60% of leisure and 40% of business travel will be booked online in the U.S. this year (PhoCusWright). 45% of hotel bookings in 2010 will be via the Internet (direct + indirect online channels) (HeBS). 4) Direct online bookings are on the rise: In 2009, 70.9% of online bookings came from the direct online channel (i.e. the major hotel brands own websites), while 29.1% came from the indirect online channel i.e. the Online Travel Agencies. Whereas in 2008 direct online bookings constituted 75.2% part of online bookings and indirect bookings were 24.8%. This represent a great increase in the number of bookings made directly on the hotels website as compared to indirect bookings. (Starkov 2010) Hotel management perceptibly has greater interest in promoting the online booking, especially direct booking on the hotels own site, because it is far cheaper. According to a report on E-commerce estimated cost of direct reservations by traditional means (i.e. fax, telephone, e-mail, etc.) could be as much as 300% higher than processing the same reservation through the GDS, which costs between $3-$5.Furthermore, most reservations, passing through the GDS, are generated by travel agents who charge an average fee of 10%. Bookings via a chain central reservation system cost the hotel $6 to $10 and reservations by a toll free telephone number $4 to $8. However for hoteliers the cheapest and most satisfactory mode of booking a room is direct online booking variable cost of which is only about $1.50. (Marvel 2004). Even though GDS still constitutes the major distribution channel for hotel rooms with a 68% share in 2003, their share is diminishing fast due to higher growth rate of the internet, according to Marvel (2004) overall electronic booking increased by only 1.6%, while online reservations rose by 35.5%. However the best source of distribution for any hotel is direct online booking because in indirect bookings the third party intermediaries take away the major chunk of hotels revenue in the form of commission. Therefore the major concern of hoteliers nowadays is to devise ways to attract customers to make room bookings directly to the hotels website. Several examples of such efforts are as follows: Four Seasons do not allow any direct bookings over third-party websites. Hilton (USA) declines HHonors points or air miles for online bookings to all the bookings that are made indirectly i.e. not on Hiltons own website. As of January 1, 2004, Starwood has also take a step in this regard i.e. all bookings made through indirect internet channels will not be eligible for any in-house benefits. Marvel, M. (2004). Therefore all in all direct online bookings are on the rise and they appear to be the preferred mode in present conditions of recession. However in order to take advantage of this growth in the online distribution channel especially the direct online channel, hoteliers need to make strong and proactive Direct Online Channel Strategy. This strategy should be backed by funds. Hoteliers must carefully employ ROI-centric initiatives, including website redesign, website optimization and SEO, paid search, email marketing, online display advertising and proven social media initiatives. (Starkov 2010) Even in this economy, the budget for internet marketing, and most importantly of direct online channel, should not be decreased or even diminished, because after observing past trends and results of various researches it can be safely said that online channel is the only growth channel for hoteliers and the only light at the end of the tunnel in this environment. Even in these difficult times we see Return on ad spend (ROAS) as high as 3500% from Internet marketing campaigns we run for our clients. (Starkov 2010) Another obvious pattern in Hilton Amsterdams direct online pricing is that the rates given on hotels website are the most expensive when the booking is completely flexible (customer has complete liberty to alter his/her plans as well as they get their full money returned if cancellation is made before or on the day of arrival) whereas other sites give cheaper rates in this situation. However on the other end Hotel website gives best rates in case of fixed reservations i.e. reservations in which no room is available for any changes and in case of cancellation hotel keeps all the money. This could be due to the reason that in case of cancellation hotel has to bear the entire cost whereas booking sites that usually have rooms allocated to them do not have to face any such penalties. ADVANCE PURCHASE FULL PREPAYMENT, NO REFUND OR CHANGES (price in GBP) FLEXIBLE RATE, (Price in GBP) Hilton website 243.524 278.438 Laterooms.com 258.76 277.31 Orbitz 243 262 Booking.com 254.871 273.201 Another observation is that Advance booking rates are different from immediate booking rates. It is an effective tactic to increase confirmed sales. Customers are encouraged to book their rooms well in advance, by offering them lower than usual rates. Booking cycle of a hotel determines how well in advance customers can book rooms, a hotel offers greater discount at the beginning of a cycle whereas higher rates are offered towards the end. (Ismail, 2001). This also helps in managing the bookings in lean seasons i.e. in off seasons lower booking rates are offered to attract greater distribution. Best rate for Hilton deluxe twin room decreases to  £202 from  £243 if the booking date was moved from 30th April to 31st April. Hilton also offers package rates, hotel package comprise of a hotels room combined with any other service of the hotel, most commonly it is room and meal package that hotels offer. There are many kinds of package deals available at Hilton hotel, such as: Bread and breakfast package, where room is bundled with breakfast for two at a discounted price. Another package combines air ticket, car rental and room all three in one package price. Beside package pricing Hilton also offers group rates, i.e. booking a larger number of rooms for a party mostly at a lower rate. Keeping in view the benefits and complexities of using multiple channels in hotel distribution we can say that the key to adopting best distribution channels and increasing revenues is to choose distribution channels as per hotels needs without falling prey to an increasingly convoluted snakes nest of technology. Managing these distribution channels also costs money and considerable time of hotel employees. . (Fontaines 2007) Complex hotel distribution systems are strategically dangerous for a hotel as managing a complex distribution may raise the price for customer who may switch to low cost channels. Spend Analysis: Application and Strategies Spend Analysis: Application and Strategies In spend analysis, skills to do with data analysis are extremely important. However, experts in related fields question the use of a software application to automatically generate the required data. In most cases, automated application does not necessarily give the accurate data as some processes require practical skills needed in the respective field. In everyday life, individuals come across a lot of information and data that is less likely important in decision making. This implies that an individual must possess data analysis skills to identify the information that is required and the less vital. In decision making, some major characteristics of vital information are; consistency, having a pattern and without errors. â€Å"Spend analysis is referred to as the systematic review of historical purchase data† (Pandit Marmanis, 2008). One of the major reasons why spend analysis is carried out is to be able to identify savings opportunities. Despite the fact that there are several indicators used to identify such opportunities, an automated software application would be incapable of successfully identifying such opportunities depending on the order of accuracy and precision. Some of the key indicators in spending analysis require analytical skills such as in price and applying best practice in various processes in an organization or household setting. If there is a consistent increment of prices of goods and services with time, it would be prudent for an individual or an organization to pay more attention to the purchases in specific categories and ensure that the factors leading to the rise in prices is well addressed. Such a process would require data analysis skills with specific attention to identifying a pattern of price increase. The application of best practice has over the years not been fully adopted by businesses. This is because, this technique is considered as simplified and less likely to come up with a saving opportunity. However, there is always the likelihood that an organization or an individual is overpaying for goods and services. Best practice requires data analysis skills which are applied to areas that provide the best cost saving strategy. Other indicators in spending analysis, such as the purchase price variance (PPV) can use software application to identify patterns or any irregularities from the data collected. According to Barone Franco. (2012) the six sigma methadolo0gy is used to enhance organizational performance through the use of statistical process meant to reduce process variation that characterizes most organizations. Currently, the six sigma methodology is commonly used by many organizations to identify areas of wastage in addition to improving the overall productivity of the organization through the improvement of business processes. The six sigma indicator shows the variation in parts, processes and products. However, of importance to note is that the six sigma method is not used independently in an organization. Most of the businesses that use six sigma also incorporate other lean methods. The six sigma methodology has over the years evolved to become a dynamic process that is used to improve performance and also maintain the process environment. Whats the strategy does is identify the major causes of performance gaps, then propose appropriate methods of addressing the performance gaps with an overall aim of increasing performance. The six sigma uses a sequential method known as the DMAIC, which stands for define, measure, analyze, improve and control. This is the guide that is used to identify the performance gaps and propose remedies to the gaps. Define: This step is expected to identify the performance gaps and develop alternatives that would lead to a higher sigma. Measure: In the step of measuring, there’s the use of metrics to come up with the baseline data to be used to identify the major cause of the problem. In addition, information must be gathered first before any data is incorporated. Analyze: In this step, statistical tools are used to confirm that the problem identified is admissible and that the factors found to cause the problem are the root causes of the problem. Improve: This step seeks to offer alternative solutions aimed at addressing the problem. Some of the key questions that are frequently in this step include; which way is cheaper, which way is faster? There are many solutions that are commonly identified as the alternatives to performance gaps. The most common solutions under this step include; mistake proofing and cellular manufacturing. Control: The control stage is also known as the institutionalization stage. This stage modifies parts, processes or products in accordance to the proposed solutions and also periodically monitor the changes that arise from such substitution. When carried out effectively, spend analysis can be greatly beneficial to an organization. This is because in addition to maximizing productivity and efficiency of business processes, spend analysis also encourages insightful decision making that is backed by both facts and figures. In addition, spend analysis is responsible for viable, cost-saving techniques that assists businesses identify areas of wastage and address the issue for better performance. These roles on spend analysis are more inclined to the financial aspect of business. Most of the problems that spend analysis aims to solve are issues to do with the expenditure and supply management. While most business processes seem intertwined and thus cannot occur individually, the financial aspect of business is the hub of all the performance gaps that spend analysis seeks to solve. By analyzing the concept of ‘spend’ most businesses are able to compare the spending behaviour with the production output and identify areas that need to be improved so that the organization can achieve higher performance. As stated by Ramsey and Silverman, (2002) research has established that businesses that use spend analysis are more likely to improve on performance with an approximated improvement rate of 24% in terms of general efficiency. With such statistics, there is no doubt that spend analysis has immense benefits to an organization in terms of driving performance and through the establishment of viable cost-saving techniques. Considering that spend analysis is a process that is meant to improve on the efficiency of products, processes and parts, there are numerous challenges that most organizations face during the implementation stage. Most organizations consider the spend analysis to be a dynamic process that is difficult to initiate and manage. More importantly, the processes involved in spend analysis require a high level of accuracy. For a business to develop a well leveraging spend analysis, integration of data from various different sources is required. However, a spend analysis is not only made possible by accurate data. There are various other factors that complement the methodology including finance, supply chain and IT. The prevailing economic times dictate that organization take advantage of any spending opportunity that comes across. The best technique to do this would therefore be through spend analysis. References Barone, S., Franco, E. L. (2012). Six Sigma methodology. Statistical and Managerial Techniques for Six Sigma Methodology: Theory and Application, 1-21. Ramsay, J. O., Silverman, B. W. (2002). Applied functional data analysis: methods and case studies (Vol. 77). New York: Springer. Pandit, K., Marmanis, H. (2008). Spend analysis: the window into strategic sourcing. J. Ross Publishing.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Development of Personal Computers :: Computers Technology Software Essays

The Development of Personal Computers The history of the computer goes back hundreds of years. From the abacus through the modern era the evolution of computers has involved many innovative individuals. It was out of this desire to innovate many fascinating tabulating machines developed. The modern computer, therefore, evolved from an amalgamation of the genius of many individuals over a long period of history. Many people shaped the world by making the efforts to develop technology. An early counting machine (and relative of the computer) can be traced back to 3000 BC. This device is known as the abacus. Although ancient, the abacus is not archaic. It is still used in math education and in some businesses for making quick calculations (Long and Long 33C). This ancient device represents how far into history the desire of humans to use a machine for calculations goes. Another early relative of the computer was created in the seventeenth century by Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician (Long and Long 33C). Pascal was born in Clermont-Ferrand on June 19, 1623 and his family settled at Paris in 1629 (Fowlie). In 1642 the young prodigy developed what is now known as "Pascal''s Calculator" (or the "Pascaline") to speed calculations for his father, a tax collector. Numbers were dialed on metal wheels on the front of the machine and the solution appeared in windows along the top (Kindersley). The "Pascaline" used a counting-wheel design (Long and Long 33C). "Numbers for each digit were arranged on wheels so that a single revolution of one wheel would engage gears that turned the wheel one tenth of a revolution to its immediate left" (qtd. in Long and Long 33C). All mechanical calculators used this counting- wheel design until it was replaced by the electronic calculator in the mid-1960s (Long and Long 33C). Pascal''s Calculator, however, was only the fir st step between the abacus and the computer. The next step involves a loom. In 1801 the weaver Joseph-Marie Jaquard invented a machine that would make the jobs of over worked weavers tolerable (Long and Long 34C). His invention was known as the Jaquard loom. Jaquard’s loom used holes punched in cards to direct the movement of the needle and thread (Long and Long 34C). Jaquard''s use of punched cards is significant because it is considered the earliest use of binary automation, the same system of mathematics employed by computers today (Long and Long 34C).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

College Admissions Essay: A Stepping Stone for Others :: College Admissions Essays

A Stepping Stone for Others    I have always had a passion to learn. My interest is in political theory and economics, hoping someday to become a lawyer and stateswoman. I realize that in order to reach any of these goals, a college degree is vital. When I in turn reach my goals, I will use them to encourage and uplift my community by investing my time, money, energy, and influence to become a stepping stone for others.    I feel the most important step in giving back to the community is to stay in the community. As a Mississippi native, I witness first hand some of the financial and economic set backs it faces. Although we are making tremendous progress, I know that I too must do my part in contributing to the well being of my community. So many times the best and brightest of our youth graduate from top Mississippi high schools, continue their college careers in another state, never to return again. After I have obtained my college degree from a Mississippi University, I will become an entrepreneur, contribute to my state by opening up a business, and provide jobs to help stimulate the economy.    With a college degree in the field of political science, and a career in law and politics, I would encourage youth to be active in the political arena. I would offer intern positions in my law firm to help provide youth with first hand experience to further understand our legal and justice system. I would also volunteer my time in becoming a speech and debate coach for a local high school, because it is very important to have corporate and professional involvement with schools. In a hopeful career as a state legislator, or perhaps a congresswoman, I would support legislation that would promote better conditions for our schools and teachers.    My community is very important to me.

great gatsby :: essays research papers

â€Å"Now we have an American masterpiece in its final form; the original crystal has shaped itself into the true diamond.† (James Dickey)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is deemed to be a true classic in all terms. The Novel is a timeless masterpiece that any era throughout history can relate to. â€Å"Though written in the 1920’s The Great Gatsby stands as ... one of the masterpieces of the twentieth century American literature .â€Å" The book has â€Å"transcended its own age and turned into a timeless classic.† The novel may have been written to justify society at that time, however the entire storyline can be related to anyone that reads it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Faulkner is an author who wrote a famous Nobel Prize acceptance speech. â€Å"He writes not of love but lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, of victories without hope and worst of all, without pity or compassion.† Here Faulkner speaks of issues that also pertain to that of The Great Gatsby. Gatsby desired Daisy throughout the entire story. Everything he did and thought had been decided upon by his undying lust. When Daisy married Tom, Gatsby lost his chance with her. Then Gatsby won a glance at happiness with Daisy when she fell in love with him. There was no hope though, his poor youth kept him from being an aristocrat. Daisy only wanted to be with an aristocrat. Finally when Faulkner said â€Å"without pity or compassion† this relates to The Great Gatsby in how Tom and Daisy packed up and moved far away without even showing their faces at Gatsby’s funeral.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Plot of the novel, is based on the fact that the newly rich, (those who were not born into money, but have acquired it over time), will never have the power of those who were born in to family wealth. The woman that Gatsby, the main character, is in love with, is married to Tom, a man of higher power than Gatsby.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Living in East Egg, the couple looked down on those in West Egg. West Egg was â€Å"The less fashionable of the two,†(pg. 9) the area where those who had just acquired their new money lived.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Daisy, Gatsby’s love interest, deserted him after their past relationship and married Tom while Gatsby was at war. Gatsby’s newly obtained money was still not good enough for Daisy. This type of scenario is still typical today in society. Much of the world today is based on materialism and the worth of one’s fortune is more valuable than their own happiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the most part the characters, their problems they face, and how they

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ecology: Petroleum and Caspian Sea

People from ancient times has an impact on the environment. As a result, this versatile centuries of human activity has left a deep mark on modern soil and vegetation, air and drinking (water) environment and wildlife. Man depletes non-renewable natural resources and threatens the production of those items that could be renewed. It changes the nature of the environment, upon which his physical and mental existence as biological and social phenomenon. Environmental pollution is becoming more acute, alarming. Barbarous, destructive attitude of the central departments of natural resources of Kazakhstan led 70-90. To the environmental crisis in the country, take in some regions of the catastrophic nature. One of the toughest environmental problems is the radioactive contamination of the territory of Kazakhstan. Nuclear tests conducted since 1949 at the Semipalatinsk test site resulted in contamination of vast territories in central and eastern Kazakhstan. The country has had five landfills, where nuclear tests were conducted in the vicinity of its borders is a Chinese Lop Nor test site. Radiation background in Kazakhstan increased as a result of the formation of ozone holes in spacecraft launch from the Baikonur. Huge challenge for Kazakhstan of the radioactive waste. Thus, UMP Factory has amassed about 100,000 tons of waste contaminated with uranium, thorium, and waste storage facility located in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. In Kazakhstan there are only 3 repository for nuclear waste and they are all located in the aquifer. That seriousness of the problem of radioactive contamination has led to one of the first laws of sovereign Kazakhstan was the decree of 30. 08. 1991, the banning of tests at the Semipalatinsk test site. One of the most serious environmental problems of Kazakhstan became the depletion of water resources. Increased consumption of fresh water, primarily for irrigated agriculture led to salinization and depletion of natural water sources. Particularly disastrous was the shallowing of the Aral Sea due to irrational use of water Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The sea level dropped by 13 meters, who uncovered the seabed turned into a salt desert. The annual dust storms spread the salt on the vast territory of Eurasia. The decrease mirrors the sea has led to a change in wind direction and climatic characteristics of the region. A similar situation exists in Lake Balkhash, the level of which is 10-15 years fell by 2. -3 meters. At the same time, the rise of the Caspian Sea, caused by ill-conceived decision stripping the Gulf of Kara-Bogazgol. Already flooded huge areas of coastal grazing areas and promising oil-bearing areas. Zyryanovsk lead and Leninogorsk polymetallic complexes have led to contamination of the Irtysh. Alarming environmental situation prevailing in the valley of the rivers Ili and the Urals. In the critical condition of the land resources of Kazakhstan, depleted fertile arable land, pasture becomes desert. Remains a serious problem of air pollution, especially in large industrial centers. National priority in the â€Å"Strategy 2030† RK include: environmental safety, rational use of natural resources, environmental well-being of citizens and some of the problems of social ecology. Reaction to the first environmental crises and catastrophes was expressed in the â€Å"Environment Act† of 1997. The problem of ecology and conservation – is rational and planned use of natural resources, protect the environment from pollution is a planned system of state control, international and public events aimed at the rational use, protection and restoration of natural resources, the satisfaction of material and cultural needs of future generations. National environmental issues Zones of ecological disaster in the Republic of Kazakhstan to continue to be the Aral Sea and Semipalatinsk regions, where there have been destroying the natural ecological systems, degradation of flora and fauna, due to unfavorable environmental conditions caused substantial harm to public health. Currently, the regions adjacent to the former Semipalatinsk test site (85 settlements with a population of almost 72 thousand people), there is a high level of cancer incidence and mortality, cardiovascular diseases, congenital malformations among newborns and the effects of premature aging. In the Aral Sea ecological disaster zone (178 settlements with a population of 186 thousand people) has a high level of gastrointestinal diseases and anemia, especially among women and children, infant mortality and birth defects. Depletion and pollution of water resources, and TZ problems associated with intensive development of resources of the Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan belongs to the category of countries with a large deficit of water resources. Currently, water bodies are polluted heavily in mining, metallurgical and chemical industries, utilities and cities represent a real environmental threat. Of the rivers of southern Kazakhstan the most polluted Badam and Talas. In Badam discharged wastewater Shymkent Oil-GIRO industrial complex in Talas – waste water of sugar and alcohol plants. Near Taraz sewage plant primary processing of wool, leather and shoe factory and other enterprises polluted Talas – Assinskoe field of groundwater, which is the only source of water supply the city of Taraz. Continuing pollution channel Talas-Asse and surrounding areas from sewage Taraz phosphorus plant. Wastewater Karaganda synthetic rubber plant, mercury-containing contaminated river Nura and Nurinskoe reservoir. Mercury-contaminated stream, and the Nura River, used for water supply and livestock watering. Water pollution has reached such proportions that in the basins of several rivers breached natural biological and hydro chemical regimes. Severe pollution are Syr Darya, Lake Balkhash, etc. The main pollutants of water sources are ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, petroleum and chemical industries, waste water which significantly increases the water content of harmful substances. Transboundary environmental problems pose a real external threat to the ecological security of the country, a decision which is provided with modern actions of neighboring states in the framework of international treaties. In early 2003, Kazakhstan joined the Bazilskoy Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their disposal, which allowed to establish new customs regulations on the declaration of hazardous wastes and prevent their subsequent flow into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the guise of recycled materials and products.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Bullying – Lifespan Psych Class

PSY-210 All over the world, bullying and victimization are common at various levels of schooling from elementary to secondary and beyond. The objective of bullying can range from humiliating to instilling fear in an effort to establish a character of dominance on the part of the bully. It can be in the form of physical violence, verbal abuse, or social isolation and can have lasting consequences on the victim ranging from low self esteem to the most severe: suicide. The question we all have to ask ourselves is where does this behavior stem from?Children are not born innate with an evil gene (excluding mental disease), therefore, we have to begin by looking at the family structure, the familial influence, and what role they play in the bullying behavior. In the research study â€Å"PROCEDURAL JUSTICE IN RESOLVING FAMILY DISPUTES: IMPLICATIONS FOR CHILDHOOD BULLYING† (Brubacher, Fondacaro, Brank, Brown, Miller, 2009), the authors looked at the interaction between a child and the ir family with regard to conflict resolution and how that may effect the ability of a child to deal with their peers.Since a dominant role is most apparent in the parent-child relationship, it can suggest that children will be considerably affected by how their parents treat a situation where conflict needs to be resolved. Parents play a pivotal part in the ability for their child to understand right from wrong, empathy, respect, and a sense of fairness. Throughout their course of cognitive development, the attitudes and behaviors put forward by the parent will be internalized by a child and become part of that child’s working model of social conduct.The purpose of this study was to develop the correlation between the family dynamics, and how it may contribute to the behavior of children and their core moral and ethical values when interacting or dealing with their peers. The groundwork is laid at home and if not met with properly, can result in the same cycle repeating in ge nerations to come.The study used participants of middle school age (average age was just over 12-1/2), and a randomized selection of classes from nine participating school districts within various states which was a good representation in that it looked at students in more a metropolitan setting where you usually have a more dense student body, a larger mix of ethnicities, which can sometimes lend to more conflict amongst peers as they are interacting and trying to integrate with one another.The age of students is particularly important because it’s at this tender age where they are beginning to form their independence and having to make autonomous decisions about their behavior and still learning the consequences associated with those decisions. I’m certain that aggressive behavior in parenting styles has huge implications on a child’s attitude. Parents who use physical and/or emotional harm are doing nothing to instill healthy, acceptable social behaviors. All children need to feel a sense of value, empowerment over their ability to be autonomous, and in the absence of that, will act out that which they’ve learned.Often times, it can be the subliminal behavior of the parents/adults that can foster unacceptable values in children. The catalyst can be the ethical and moral opinions like racism, cultural beliefs, and even religious affiliations that the parents have personal qualms about†¦ that can weave into the fabric of a child. Many parents are oblivious to what they’re unconsciously teaching their children simply by how they talk about other societies, traditions, or backgrounds. That kind of blind hatred passes down from generation to generation and no doubt rears its ugly head in our schools†¦ the melting pot of the world.In our textbook â€Å"HUMAN DEVELOPMENT† (J. W. Vander Zanden, T. Crandell, C. H. Crandell), Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist found a number of parental practices and attit udes that seem to facilitate the development of socially responsible and independent behavior in children. She found that parents who are socially responsible and assertive, and who serve as daily models of these behaviors, foster these same characteristics in their children. Parents should emphasize and encourage individuality, self-expression, and socially appropriate aggressiveness.Susan Crockenber and Cindy Litman (1990) show that the way parents handle autonomy issues have a profound consequence for their youngsters’ behavior. When parents assert their power in the form of negative control (threats, criticism, physical intervention, and anger), children are more likely to respond with defiance and thus behave the same way. I agree that there is a correlation between parenting styles and how that influences a child’s ability to resolve conflicts. The family environment has a direct relationship to problematic behavior in children resulting in social cruelty, especi ally bullying.No one can prepare you for the most difficult task in life. Parenting. Countless books, advice from others, even your own childhood experiences never seem to quite arm you with enough strength to handle it with grace and fluidity. Yet we all take that leap of faith, to fulfill our moral obligation to procreate life, convinced that we know the secret to raising a well-adjusted individual. Yet many of us fail to carry out the process correctly†¦ either repeating past behavior, or expecting too much from our little ones, too soon. In the article published on Psychology Today â€Å"HOW TO RAISE YOUR CHILDREN NATURALLY†, Gerard Young, Ph.D. , discusses parenting styles with regard to discipline, self esteem, happiness, and stress both on the part of parents and their children. He focuses on the importance of not only timing and applying proper techniques†¦ reminding us that children’s cognitive and social skills grow with age, but the importance of t he environment in which those practices would be effective†¦ needing a warm and balanced platform. Discipline should not solely be about punishment for the wrong behavior, but should also encompass limits and the boundaries for self-control.He discusses that Learning theory has provided excellent discipline techniques, which can help shape a child by using rewards, reinforcements, points, time outs, and even punishment†¦ without resorting to the use of corporal/physical methods. Parents need to have patience and understanding if they are to instill appropriate social and developmental behaviors in their children. We need to appreciate that they have a different schedule and rhythm than we do, and if we’re to be effective parents, we need to manage that in order to gain a measure of control while teaching them the proper skill sets they need for self-control.Most important, we need to be more liberal with our praise, giving them enjoyment to strive for more. If we ar e to raise a healthy child, we need to value what is special within our child and support and build on that. Understanding what makes your child â€Å"tick†, and â€Å"giving them the tools to tick better†. We should provide them with an environment which not only sets limits & expectations, but freedom to express & explore, so they can grow with a sense of initiative and independence which will translate into adulthood for positive life goals and values.All this requires dedication and commitment from parents to be on their best behavior. Children watch, observe, imitate, and learn from us. It would be prudent for us to remember the initial goal we had in mind when we decided to have children. To tenderly love him/her, to make a contribution to society by raising a healthy, well adjusted individual who will in turn perpetuate that for generations to come. That cannot happen if we are to take a back seat approach and not follow through with our moral responsibility. Ch ildren did not have a choice to be born.So why then should we rob them of a chance they rightfully deserve at a peaceful upbringing. Learning, by definition in our textbook â€Å"HUMAN DEVELOPMENT† (J. W. Vander Zanden, T. Crandell, C. H. Crandell), involves a relatively permanent change in a capability or behavior that results from experience. Behavioral theories emphasize that people can be conditioned by positive or negative reinforcers†¦ that cognitive theories focus on how to fashion the cognitive structures by which individuals think about their environment†¦ and that social learning theories stress the need to provide models for people to imitate.This definition encompasses intellectually all the fine points Dr. Young wrote about in his article. We can all reason that positive behaviors will produce positive outcomes. We just need to actually follow through with them. The most important role model in a child’s life is their significant caregiver, in mo st cases, parents. To learn a behavior, you need to be taught that behavior. Why then with all this information, do we still choose to parent incorrectly is beyond me. It is so much easier to teach a child than it is to fix an adult.References Brubacher, Michael R. , Fondacar, Mark R. , Brank, Eve M. , Brown, Veda E. , Miller, Scott A. , (2009). Procedural Justice in Resolving Family Disputes: Implications For Childhood Bullying. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Vol 15(3), Aug, 2009. Pp. 149-167. Doi:10. 1037/a0016839 Vander Zanden, James W. , Crandell, Thomas L. , Crandell, Corinne Haines (2007). Human Development. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Co. , Inc. Young, Gerald Ph. D (Oct. 4, 2011). How To Raise Your Children Naturally. Psychology Today.