
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Parents behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Parents behavior - Essay Example Jeanette enjoyed her time at the hospital, although her father decided to come and take her home even though she needed all the medical treatment she could get. After a few years, Jeanette’s family moved back to her father’s hometown, West Virginia. For the first time, Jeanette was able to meet her grandmother on her father’s side. She was not a very nice woman though because she often sent Jeanette and her siblings into the cold basement without any dinner. After many confrontations, the family was forced to move out and into a poorer part of town. Something that did not help the family at all was the father’s decision not to find any work. The family was in such a poor state that Jeanette and her siblings had no option but to look for food in the trashcans at their local school. Even though Jeanette’s family was not in a very good financial situation, this was no excuse to ill treat their children. Many parents choose to take out their anger on their children because it can be a type of stress relief. But, children are always innocent and thus should be left alone. Jeanette’s parents spanked their kids when they were disobedient, taught them how to use a weapon at a very young age, left them unsupervised for long periods of time, and usually used foul language in front of their kids. Additionally, their father was also an alcoholic, which did not help their situation at all. All of these unwarranted actions had a long term effect on the lives of Jeanette and her siblings. To help curb these issues, Jeanette’s parents should have enlisted some kind of parent counseling help to assist them in the upbringing of their children. Some alternative punishments to their children’s disobedience could be carried out by giving them timeout or grounding them. This would have taught Jeanette and her siblings to always obey

Monday, October 28, 2019

Empiricism Semantics and Ontology Carn Essay Example for Free

Empiricism Semantics and Ontology Carn Essay I. The Problem of Abstract Entities Empiricists attempt to limit themselves to nominalistic language, a language not containing references to abstract entities such as properties, classes, relations, numbers, propositions, etc. They treat mathematics as a mere calculus wherein no interpretation is given or can be given. However, abstract entities are impossible to avoid for some scientific contexts. The theory of meaning and truth is the problem of abstract entities in relation to semantics1. Semanticists claim that certain expressions designate certain entities, including abstract entities2. This violates the basic principles of empiricism and leads back to a metaphysical ontology3 of the platonic kind. Carnap rejects the idea that the use of such language embraces Platonic ontology, but is rather compatible with empiricism and scientific thinking. II. Linguistic Frameworks4 Carnap believes that for someone to speak of a new kind of entities in his language, he must construct a linguistic framework, a system of new ways of speaking and is subject to new rules. To understand these entities, we must recognize the two fundamental  questions concerning the reality of these entities: (1) Internal questions or the questions of existence of the new entities within the framework; and (2) External questions or the questions of existence of the system of entities as a while. Internal questions can be answered by new forms of expressions either by logical or empirical methods. External questions, on the other hand, are in need of a closer examination. The world of things is the simplest kind of entities we deal with everyday language and upon our acceptance of the thing  language with its framework for things, we can raise internal questions like â€Å"Is there a white piece of paper on my desk? †, â€Å"Are unicorns real or imaginary? † and these can be answered by empirical investigation. The results of this investigation can be confirmed or disconfirmed based on explicit rules for the evaluation, which is the main concern of epistemology. The rules of the framework claim that in order for something to be considered real, it must fit into a system at a particular space-time position along with other things  considered as real. The external question of the reality of the thing world is not asked by scientists but by philosophers and is given affirmative answers by realists, and negative answers from subjective idealists. This question is never resolved because it is wrongly framed. To be real in the scientific context means to be an element of the system, hence, this concept cannot be meaningfully applied to the system. Those who question the reality of the thing world are not expecting of a theoretical question, rather, a practical question which  would affect the structure of our language; hence, we must decide whether or not to adapt the forms of expression in the framework. We have accepted the thing language since our earlier years and now we are given the choice whether or not to continue using the thing language or to restrict ourselves to sense-date, to construct an alternative language with new structure and rules, or to refrain from speaking at all. However, Carnap believes that none of the above-mentioned choices is practical. So, he explained that the  acceptance of the thing language does not imply the acceptance of the existence of the thing world, but the acceptance of a certain form of language, accepting rules in order to form, test, or reject statements, and the idea of the reality of the thing world cannot be among these statements because it cannot be formulated in the thing language or in any other theoretical language. Questions regarding the efficiency, fruitfulness and simplicity of the use of the thing language are not yes-no questions but rather questions of degree. But it is wrong to say that â€Å"The fact of the efficiency of the thing language is confirming evidence for the reality of the thing world,† rather, â€Å"This fact makes it advisable to accept the thing language. † Carnap used the example of the system of numbers as an example of a system which is of a logical rather than a factual nature, based on the rules of the new expressions: 1 SEMAN? CS IS THE STUDY OF MEANINGS AND THE RELA? ON OF SIGNS AND SYMBOLS AND WHAT THEY SIGNIFY OR DENOTE. 2 E. G. PROPER? ES AS DESIGNATED BY PREDICATES AND PROPOSI? ONS AS DESIGNATED BY SENTENCES. 3 ONTOLOGY IS THE PHILOSOPHICAL THEORY OF REALITY AND IS THE DOCTRINE OF UNIVERSAL AND NECESSARY CHARACTERIS? CS OF ALL EXISTENCE. 4 A LINGUIS? C FRAMEWORK IS A SET OF LINGUIS? C CONVEN? ONS WHICH DETERMINE THE WAY IN WHICH WE SE#LE EXISTENCE PROBLEMS OF A CERTAIN sort. (1) numerals like â€Å"five† and sentence forms like â€Å"there are five books on the table† (2) the general term â€Å"number† for the new entities, and sentence forms like â€Å"five is a number† (3) expressions of properties of numbers (odd, prime), relations (greater than), and functions (plus), and sentence forms like  Ã¢â‚¬Å"two plus three is five. † (4) numerical variables (m,n,etc) and quantifiers for universal sentences (for every n,†¦. ) and existential sentences (there is an n such that†¦) with the customary deductive rules Empirical investigation is impossible to answer the internal question, â€Å"Is there a prime number greater than a hundred? †, rather it can be answered through logical analysis. He also introduced the system of propositions wherein any declarative sentence can be substituted by a variable. Every sentence that comes in the form â€Å"†¦is a proposition† is considered analytic. This framework included three constructs: (1) â€Å"For every p, either p or not –p† (2) â€Å"There is p such that p is not necessary and not –p is not necessary. † (3) â€Å"There is p such that p is a proposition. † (1) and (2) are both internal assertions of existence while (3) is an implication that there are propositions. Lastly, in the spatio-temporal coordinate system for physics, the new entities are the space-time points. Each point is an ordered quadruple of four real numbers (3 spatial and 1 temporal coordinate). It is not forced on us but is suggested by common observation. The physical state of these space-time points is described through qualitative predicates or through ascribing numbers such as mass, temperature, etc. Moving on to this physical coordinate system requires a decision on how to use language. Carnap argues that the introduction of such forms into our language is a matter of degree, and that the formulation in the form â€Å"real or not† will be inadequate. Many philosophers argue that the affirmation of the reality of the entity of the language shall come prior to the introduction of new language forms, and Carnap strongly disagrees. He claims that a new way of speaking needs not be justified because in the first place, it does not imply any assertion of reality, but only acceptance of a new framework. III. What Does Acceptance of a Kind of Entities Mean? The acceptance of a new kind of entities is represented in the language by the introduction of a framework of new forms of expressions to be used according to a new set of rules. The two essential steps into the introduction of the framework are: (1) the introduction of a general term, a predicate of higher level, for the new kind of entities, permitting us to say of any particular entity that it  belongs to this kind5; and (2) the introduction of variables of the new type. After the formulation of the new forms of language, they can now create internal questions that may either be empirical or logical, and be addressed by true answers that are either factually true or analytic. Carnap debunks the idea that the acceptance of a new framework is an assertion of the reality of the entities. He argues that the question whether or not to accept the new entities and the new linguistic form is a practical question and not a theoretical question. It cannot be judged as true or false because it is not an assertion, rather, it can be judged as being more or less expedient, fruitful and conducive. IV. Abstract Entities in Semantics In semantical meaning analysis, certain expressions are often said to designate (or name or denote or signify) certain extra- linguistic entities. Ex. â€Å"The word ‘red’ designates a property of things. † â€Å"The word ‘five’ designates a number. † Empiricists admit that these are meaningful expressions but reject the belief as they see these as implicitly presupposed by those semantical statements. 5 E. G. â€Å"RED IS A PROPERTY†, â€Å"FIVE IS A NUMBER† This belief is criticized as hypostatization, or treating as names expressions which are not names. Carnap used the example of â€Å"Fido†, his dog, as a name that designates his dog Fido, while red and five are not names and are not supposed to designate anything. To deal with this criticism, Carnap clarifies abstract entities as designata: (a) Five designates a number. This presupposes that our language L contains the forms of expressions which we have called the framework of numbers, in particular, numerical variables and the general term number. If L contains these forms, the following is an analytic statement in L. (b) Five is a number. To make the statement (a) possible, L must contain an expression like designates or is a name of for the semantical relation of designation. If suitable rules for this term are laid down, the following is likewise analytic: (c) Five designates five. Since (a) follows from (c) and (b), (a) is likewise analytic. You must accept these as true statements if you accept the framework of numbers. Carnap acknowledges the need for theoretical justification for internal assertions but argues that it is wrong to demand forsu ch when it comes to acceptance of system of entities. He cites Ernest Nagel who asked for evidence relevant for affirming with warrant that there are such entities as infinitesimals or propositions. He required the evidence to be logical and dialectical. And so Carnap provides an example of this problem of proof: â€Å"Here are three books. † The framework of the sentence allows us to communicate but the question on the ontological reality of the system of numbers continues. One philosopher believes that numbers are real entities so there is no problem in using the  numerical framework for semantical statements. A nominalistic opponent, on the other hand, says there are no numbers. For Carnap, numbers may still be used as meaningful expressions but they are not names and there are no entities designated by them. The term numbers and numerical variables must only be used as abbreviating devices: i. e. to translate them into the nominalistic thing language. He believes that there is no possible evidence relevant for both philosophers. V. Conclusion Carnap’s stand on using semantical methods depended not on the ontological question of existence of abstract entities but onthe qu estion whether or not the rise of abstract linguistic forms is expedient and fruitful for semantical analyses6. This is no yes-or-no question. It dealt with a matter of degree, by their efficiency as instruments, by the . . ratio of the results achieved to the amount and complexity of the efforts required. He challenges the nominalists to offer better arguments than merely appealing to ontological insight; probably a semantical method without any references at all to abstract entities and by simpler means, achieves the same results as other methods. Carnap  pointed out that dogmatic prohibitions are both futile and harmful that looking back to history, traces of slow development rooted to religious, metaphysical, mythological, and other irrational sources. And so by granting freedom to use any form of expression useful to them, those useless forms will sooner or later be eliminated. Carnap ended with a reminder, â€Å"Let us be cautious in making assertions and critical in examining them, but tolerant in permitting linguistic forms. † 6 SEMAN? CAL ANALYSES THAT INCLUDE THE ANALYSIS, INTERPRETA? ON, CLARI+CA? ON OR CONSTRUC? ON OF LANGUAGES OF COMMUNICA? ON, ESPECIALLY languages of science.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Chaucers Canterbury Tales - The Character of the Reeve Essay -- Reeve

The Character of  the Reeve in Canterbury Tales    In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer’s descriptive technique used to present the Reeve emphasized his physical characteristics as well as the success he attained in his occupation.   It is evident that Chaucer gives two different perceptions of the Reeve, one perception is of his physical makeup and the other is of his success achieved in his occupation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Chaucer’s introduction of the Reeve, he immediately begins with the Reeve’s physical makeup, as shown in this excerpt from The Canterbury Tales:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"His beerd was shave as neigh as evere he can;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   His heer was by his eres ful round yshorn;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   His top was dokked lik a preest biforn;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ful longe were his legges and ful lene,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ylik a staf, ther was no calf yseene (590-594).†   This excerpt shows the attention to detail Chaucer selected to introduce the Reeve.   Chaucer also gives the Reeve a name, which is not commonly done for most pilgrims in The Canterbur... ...w because he does not own the land that he presides over.   Even though he is successful and has gained some wealth through his occupation, he still does not own the property and possessions and therefore cannot attain the higher social status.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, Chaucer presents the Reeve in detail uncommon to most of the pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales.   This detail along with the fact that the Reeve was given a name suggests that the Reeve tends to be more of a   specific individual than a general presentation of a class or type of person.   He also was prosperous in his occupation of superintendent of his master’s estate, and even though he was respected and acknowledged for his accomplishments and wealth, he did not have the high social status because of his lack of land ownership.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Information Technology Ethics Essay

Definitions -the right to be alone – the most comprehensive of rights, and the right most valued by people. (Justice Louis Brandeis, Olmstead v. US, 1928) -the right of individuals to control the collection and use of information about themselves. Legal Aspects Protection from unreasonable intrusion upon one’s isolation. Protection from appropriation of one’s name or likeness.  Protection from unreasonable publicity given to one’s private. Protection from publicity that unreasonably places one in a false light before the public. RECENT HISTORY OF PRIVACY PROTECTION Communication Act of 1934 -it restricted the government’s ability to secretly intercept communications. However, under a 1968 federal statute, law enforcement officers can use wiretapping if they first obtain a court order. Wiretapping – the interception of telephone or telegraph communications for purpose of espionage or surveillance. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) – (passed -1966, amended-1974) provides the public with the means to gain access to certain government records such as the spending patterns of an agency, the agency’s policies and the reasoning behind them, and the agency’s mission and goals. Fair Credit Reporting Act (1970) – this act regulates the operations of credit-reporting bureaus, including how they collect, store, and use credit information. – it is designed to promote accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of credit reporting companies and to check verification systems that gather and sell information about people. Privacy Act (1974) – declares that no agency of the U.S. government can conceal the existence of any personal data record-keeping system, and that any agency that maintains such a system, must publicly describe both the kind of information in it and the manner in which the information will be used. – the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the law enforcement agencies are excluded from this act. – the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) â€Å"Fair Information Practices† are often held up as a model of ethical treatment of consumer data for organization to adopt. Summary of the 1980 OECD privacy guidelines Principle Guideline Collection limitation Limit the collection of personal data. All such data must be obtained lawfully and fairly with the subject’s consent and knowledge. Data Quality Personal data should be accurate, complete, current and relevant to the purpose for which it is used. Purpose Specification The purpose for which personal data is collected should be should be specified and should not be changed. Use Limitation Personal data should not be used beyond the specified purpose without a persons consent or by authority of law. Security Safeguards Personal data should be protected against unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. Openness principle Data policies should exist and a â€Å"data controller† should be identified. Individual participation People should have the right to review their data, to challenge its correctness, and to have incorrect data changed. Accountability A â€Å"data controller† should be responsible for ensuring that the above principles are met. Children’s Online Protect Act (COPA)(1998) – The law states that a website that caters to children must offer comprehensive privacy policies, notify their parents or guardians about its data collection practices, and receive parental consent before collecting any personal information from children under 13 years of age. European Company Directives 95/46/EC (1998) – requires any company that does business within the borders of 15 Western European nations to implement a set of privacy directives on fair and appropriate use of information. Summary of the European Data Privacy Principle Notice Tell all customer what is done with their information. Choice Give customer a way to opt out of marketing. Onward Transfer Ensure that suppliers comply with the privacy policy. Access Give customer access to their information. Security Protect customer information from unauthorized access. Data Integrity Ensure that information are accurate and relevant. Enforcement Independently enforce the privacy policy. Better Business Bureau Online (BBB Online) and TRUSTe – independent, nonprofit initiatives that favor an industry-regulated approach to data privacy which concerned about the government regulation that could have a negative impact on the Internet’s use and growth, and that such regulation would be costly to implement and difficult to change. The BBB Online Seal adheres that the website has a high level of data privacy. The seal program identifies online businesses that honor their own stated privacy policy. The TRUSTe’s main rule is that websites should openly communicate what information it gathers, its use, to whom it will be shared, and does the consumer has a choice of opting out. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1998) -this act required all financial-services institutions to communicate their data privacy policies and honor customer data-gathering preferences by July 1, 2001. This was to make them take actions to protect and secure customers’ nonpublic data from unauthorized access or use. KEY PRIVACY AND ANONYMITY ISSUES GOVERNMENTAL ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE Federal Wiretap Act (U.S. Code Title 18 Part 1, Chapter 119, Wire and Electronic Communications Interception and Interception of Oral Communications) – it requires processes to obtain court authorization for surveillance of all kinds of electronic communications, including e-mail, fax, internet, and voice, in criminal investigation. A court order must be issued based on probable cause before a wiretap can commence. roving tap – government authority to obtain a court order that does not name a specific telephone or e-mail, but allows them to tap any phone lines or internet accounts that the suspect uses. Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA, U.S Code Title 18, part 2, Chapter 206) – standards for access to stored e-mail and other electronic communications and records. ECPA amended Title III (Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968) – extended the title III’s prohibitions against the unauthorized interception (use of person’s oral or electronic communications). -this act failed to address emerging technologies such as wireless modems, cellular, data networks, etc. thus, this communication can still be legally intercepted. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) – allows wiretapping of aliens and citizens in the U.S. based on a finding of probable cause that the target is a member of a foreign terrorist group or an agent of a foreign power. Executive Order 123333 (U.S. Pres. Reagan, 1982) – legal authority for electronic surveillance outside the U.S. It permits intelligence agencies to intercept communications outside the U.S. without a court order. Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA, 1994) – it covers radio-based data communication. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) required providers of Internet phone and broadband services to ensure that their equipment can allow police wiretaps. USA Patriot Act of 2001 – Gives sweeping new powers to Domestic law enforcement and International intelligence agencies. It contains several sunsets that gives the government much more surveillance capability. Sunset provisions – can terminates itself or portions after a specific date unless further actions is taken to extend the law DATA ENCRYPTION Cryptography – the science of encoding messages so that only the sender and the intended receiver can understand them. Encryption – the process of converting an electronic message into a form that can be understood only by the intended recipients. Public key encryption system uses two keys Message receiver’s public key – readily available Message receiver’s private key – kept secret Private key encryption system Single key to encode and decode messages RSA (named after Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) – is a public key encryption algorithm, the basis for much of the security that protects Web consumers and merchants. PGP ( Pretty Good Privacy) – uses 128 bit encryption that represents a total of 2128 . DES (Digital Encryption Standard) – the standard for encryption, it employs a 56 bit key that represents 7.2Ãâ€"1016 . (It can now be crack using brute methods) AES (Advanced Encryption Standards) – requires crackers to try as many as 1.1Ãâ€"1077 combinations. IDENTITY THEFT – occurs when someone steals key pieces of personal information to gain access to a person’s financial accounts. – fastest growing form of fraud in the United States. Phishing – is an attempt to steal personal identity data by tricking users into entering the information on a counterfeit Website. Spear-phishing – is a variation in which employees are sent phony emails that look like they came from high-level executives within their organization. Spyware – is a term for keystroke-logging software that is downloaded to users computer without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user. It creates a record of keystrokes entered into the computer with or without internet and will send to the email of the spy when internet connections are available. Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 – the congress passed this act to fight identity fraud, making it a federal felony punishable by a prison sentence of 3 -25 years. – researchers estimated that 1 of 700 identity crimes were led to conviction. CONSUMER PROFILING – Companies openly collect personal information about Internet users. They also obtain information without users permission through the use of cookies. – marketing firms uses this information in building databases that contains consumer behavioral data. They want to know about who the users are, what they like, how they behave, and what motives them to buy. Cookies – a text file that a website puts on your hard drive so that it can remember your information later on. Affiliated Websites – is a group or collection of websites served by a single advertising network. 3 Types of Data Gathered POST – it is entered into a blank fields on an affiliated website when a consumer signs up for a service. GET – it reveals what the consumer requested product in a specific store. Click-Stream Data – it is the tracking of the information the user sought and viewed. 4 Ways to Limit/Stop deposit Cookies Set browsers to limit or stop cookies or browse the web using the incognito browsing mode which will remove all marks of your browsing. Manually delete cookies in your hard drives. Download and install cookie management program. Or use anonymous proxy websites to browse websites. However, some websites lock users to browse in their page when cookie is disabled. Personalization software – it is used by marketers to optimize the number, frequency and mixture of their ad placements. It is also used to evaluate how visitors react to new ads. Types of Personalization Software Rule-based – used business rules that are tied to customer provided preferences or online behaviors to determine the most appropriate page views and product information to display. Collaborative Filtering – offers consumer recommendations based on the types of product purchased by other people with similar buying habits. Types of Personalization Software (Continued) Demographic Filtering – it augments click stream data and user supplied data with demographics information associated with user zip codes to make product suggestions. Contextual Commerce – associates product promotions and other e-commerce offerings with specific content a user may receive in a new story online. Platforms for Privacy Preferences (P3P) – shields users from site that don’t provide the level of privacy protection  they desire. Instead of forcing users to find and read through the privacy policy for each site they visit, P3P software in the computers browser will download the privacy policy for each site, scan it and notify users if the policy does not match their preferences. The World Wide Web Consortium, an international privacy group whose members include Apple, Commerce One, Ericsson, and Microsoft, created P3P and is supporting its development. TREATING CONSUMERS DATA RESPONSIBILITY -Strong measures are required to avoid customer relationship problems. Code of Fair Information Practices – most widely accepted approach to treating consumers data responsibly. Guidelines of Code of Fair Information Practices and the 1980 OECD an organizations collects only personal information that is necessary to deliver its product and services. Company ensures that the information is carefully protected and accessible only by those with a need to know, and that consumers can review their own data and make corrections. Company informs customers if it intends to use it’s information for research or marketing, and it provides a means for them to opt out. Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) – executive to oversee data privacy policies and initiatives. Duties of CPO Avoid government regulations and reassure customers that their privacy will be protected. Stop or modify major company marketing initiatives. Training employees about privacy and checking the companies privacy policy for potential risks. Figuring out if gaps exist and how to fill them. Developing and managing a process for customer privacy disputes. WORKPLACE MONITORING Employers monitor workers – Ensures that corporate IT usage policy is followed Fourth Amendment cannot be used to limit how a private employer treats its employees. – Public-sector employees have far greater privacy rights than in the private industry. Privacy advocates want federal legislation – To keeps employers from infringing upon privacy rights of employees. SPAMMING – the transmission of the same email message to a large number of people. Spammers target individual users with direct email messages, building their mail list by scanning Usenet postings, buying mail lists or searching the web for addresses. – extremely inexpensive method of marketing. – used by many legitimate organizations. – can contain unwanted and objectionable materials. Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing(CAN-SPAM)  the act says it is legal to spam provided that the message meet a few basic requirements: (1) spammers cannot disguise identity, (2) there must be a label in the message specifying that it is an ad or solicitation, and (3) include a way that the recipient can stop the receiving of spam. The act failed to slow the flow of spam but instead, it actually increased the flow of spam by legalizing it. ADVANCED SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY Advanced surveillance technology provide a new data gathering capabilities, however, these advance can also diminish individuals privacy. Advocates of the technology argue that people have no legitimate expectations of privacy in a public place. Camera Surveillance – is one of the most common advanced system used in surveillance nowadays. It has the capability to record events, detecting unusual behaviour, automatically capturing important events, and used in monitoring day to day events in different places. Facial Recognition Software There have been numerous experiments with facial recognition software to help identify criminal suspects and other undesirable characters. It has been first tested by the Rampart Division of the Los Angeles Police Department and yielded a result. Global Positioning System (GPS) These are chips placed in different devices to monitor locations of the  users. It is useful in locating callers of 911, parents monitoring their children, etc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History of Special Education

Special education only began when parent-organized groups started advocating for disabled children’s rights. Prior to this, disabled children were considered crippled, dump, mentally defective or feeble-minded, (J. E. Wallace Wallin, 1924). They were therefore excluded from education in public institutions. By 1975, more than half of disabled children were denied an opportunity to education. (William N. Myhill, 2004) However, during the 1950s and 1960s several parent-organized groups of advocacy emerged. Such groups included the American Association on Mental Deficiency, Muscular Dystrophy Association, and Mental Retardation Panel by John F.Kennedy among others. These groups’ advocacy necessitated establishment of schools for children with disabilities, both at the local and state levels. The advocacy also led to state’s concern for special education. Several legislations that aimed at development and implementation of programs for the needs of children with disa bilities and their families were also passed. In 1958, 1959 and 1961 three laws; PL 85-926, PL 86-158 and the Teachers of the Deaf Act, respectively were passed. These laws helped in the training of teachers who to work with the mentally disabled and the deaf.In 1965 the state also approved the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the State Schools Act. With these acts in place, states got access to grant funds for the education of children with disabilities (James J. Cremins, 1983). The United States Congress also approved the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) in 1975. This law was to protect the rights of children with disabilities and their families. The law later became the legislative foundation through which special education received federal funding (James J. Cremins, 1983).In 1997 and 2004 the EHA was re-authored and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), changing the procedures for disability identification and demanding for hig h standards of qualification for teachers of special education. IDEA advocated for a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE) to every student. Court cases have also been vital in shaping of special education. For instance, the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) challenged the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1971 for the exclusion of mentally handicapped from public schools.The courts ruled out this discrimination. This case extended into 1972, with a ruling that children with disabilities be given education irrespective of its cost following a case filled by Mills against the District of Columbia (William N. Myhill, 2004) In 1998, Honig filed a case against Doe when two students were suspended for disruptive conduct resulting from their disabilities. The court ruled that students could not be punished for a disability-related misbehavior. As well, three different cases; Diana v State Board of Education (1970), Hobson v Hansen (1967-1968) and the Larry P. Riles case filled in 1979, sort a ruling on disability tests. The court ruled out the use of IQ, culturally biased and language-biased tests whose use to place a student in special education class was common. Special education has undergone remarkable transition; from the time when disabled children were simply ignored to today when a good number of programs for these children have been developed (James J. Cremins, 1983). There are now numerous professionals who evaluate children with disabilities and place them into the best conditions for their learning.References James J. Cremins, (1983). Legal and Political Issues in Special Education4–5 J. E. Wallace Wallin, (1924). The Education of Handicapped Children Losen, Daniel J. & Orfield, Gary (2002), Introduction to Racial Inequality in Special Education. The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University: Harvard Education Press. William N. Myhill, (2004). No FAPE for Children with Disabilities in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: Time to Redefine a Free Appropriate Public Education, 89 Iowa L. Rev. 1051, 1055

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Teach the Future - ESL Education

How to Teach the Future - ESL Education Teaching the future in English is relatively simple in the beginning. Students understand the future with will and learn the form quickly. However, the problems begin when discussing the future with going to. The key issue is that the future with going to is logically a better fit when speaking about the future. The future with going to tells us about our plans, whereas the future with will is mainly used to discuss reactions that occur at the moment of speaking and speculation about the future. Of course, there are other uses, but this main issue leads to a lot of confusion among students. Choosing when to introduce the future with will and going to carefully can make all the difference in comprehension. It is recommended to delay introducing these forms until students are comfortable with some basic tenses. Start by Speaking about Plans and Hopes To help students become familiar with both forms, discuss your future plans as well as your thoughts about the future. This will ensure that you use both the future with will and going to. If you are teaching beginning level students, separating the two forms will help students understand the difference. If your students are intermediate level, mixing the forms can assist in teaching the fluidity between the forms in everyday usage. Beginners I have some predictions for next year. I think that you will all speak better English at the end of this course! Im sure I will have a vacation. However, I dont know where. Ill probably visit my parents in Seattle in the summer, and my wife will ... Intermediate Next year, Im going to take up the guitar. It will probably be very difficult for me, but I love music. My wife and are going to fly to New York in September to visit some friends. While were in New York, the weather will probably be good... In both cases, ask students to explain the function or purpose of the different forms. Help students understand that the future with will is used for making predictions, or what you think will happen. The future with going to, on the other hand, is used to state future intentions and plans. Future with 'Will' for Reactions Introduce the future with will for reactions by demonstrating various scenarios that call for reactions: John is hungry. Oh, Ill make him a sandwichLook its raining outside. OK, Ill take my umbrella.Peter doesnt understand the grammar. Ill help him with the exercise. Explaining Future Forms on the Board Use a future with will for promises and predictions timeline to illustrate the future used for speculating about the future. Contrast this timeline with future  with going to for intentions and a plans timeline to illustrate the difference between the two forms. Write positive sentences of both forms on the board and ask students to change the sentences into both questions and negative forms. Point out that will not becomes wont in most everyday use. Comprehension Activities Comprehension activities focusing on specific functions will help cement the understanding of differences between these two forms. For examples, a reading comprehension on the weather can help students use the future with will. This can be contrasted with a listening comprehension discussing future plans with going to. More extended dialogues and reading comprehensions can be used to mix the forms once students understand the differences between the forms. Quizzes asking to choose between future with will or going to also help to solidify understanding. Challenges with the Future As discussed above, the main challenge is in distinguishing between what is planned (going to) and what is a reaction or speculative (will). Add to that the fact that many native speakers mix the forms themselves, and you have a recipe for trouble. I find it helpful to boil teaching down to two questions: Was a decision made about this statement BEFORE the moment of speaking? - If yes, use going toAre you thinking about future possibilities? - If yes, use willIs this a reaction to what someone has said or done? - If yes, use will Not all uses of these two forms can be answered with these simple questions. However, raising students consciousness of these key points will help them become more accurate in their use of these two future forms.

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Performance Measurement System essay

buy custom Performance Measurement System essay The need for businesses to employ innovative ways to measure their performance rate cannot be underrated. By doing this, companies are guaranteed of short and long-term sustainability, due to improved levels of investor confidence. This paper will critically evaluate on the performance measurement used by Coca Cola Company. For Coca Cola Company, the largest manufacturer, distributor, and seller of non-alcoholic beverages globally, the firm has adopted Total Quality Management System as part of performance measurement. In Coca Cola Company, this system is known as Total Quality Coca-Cola Management System (TQCCMS). TCCQS is the Coca Cola quality management system, which guide and coordinate activities to ensure quality of the products and services is attained. The system indicates environment and quality standards, which define the results of manufacturing operations expected to be gained. The TCCQS modular framework is quality, safety, and environmental facets, where the environmental facet is composed of environmental management system. It is notable that the firm employ process model to improve, implement, and develop the effectiveness of the quality management system. To enhance quality, each department in the Coca Cola Company must maintain, implement, document, and establish the quality management system, as prescribed by TQCCMS. Further, management in the entire organizational unit are supposed to develop a quality statement that suit a given operation method. By employing TQM system, Coca Cola Company have enjoyed various benefits, such as reduced wastages, improved innovation and inventions, reduced operational costs, improved level of customers loyalty among others. The challenges of TQM systems include time wastage during the implementation phase, resistance by employees, high cost of implementation among others. To ensure the effectiveness of TQM approach, the firm has employed various evaluation methods. These include implementation evaluation, impact evaluation, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis and outcome evaluation. Generally, by using integrated TQM in the recent times, Coca Cola Company has been able to remain profitable, despite the prevailing hard economic times. In the recent times, the competition between firms operating in the similar field has drastically increased. This is attributable to raised technological knowhow, the improved management, reduced barriers of the entry among other notable factors. Therefore, in order for a business to operate in this competitive market environment, the improvement for better solution and critical processes are the key solutions to ensure sustainability. Kotter Cohen (2002, p. 53) indicate that performance measurement (PM) ensures that an organization follows the set strategies, a factor that highly promote a short and long-term growth. PM plays a significant role in maintaining attention to customers requirements as well as competitor actions. In addition, PM ensures a successful implementation of the organization strategies due to the fact that performance indicators used in organizations are based on a CSF (Critical Success Factor) concept. Performance measurement encourages an approach to evaluati ng, sharing, retrieving, capturing, and identifying enterprise information assets. It is notable that the use of information technology has led to the growth of skills, thus exposing handling of the intellectual property collection as well as the distribution of right. To meet the requirements of the society and the customer, performance management is used in line with distribution distributive knowledge management (Li, 2012, p. 1). In most organizations, performance measurement helps in evaluating productivity, efficiency, cycle time, quantity, quality, and costs of services and products in the organization. Similarly, performance measurement is based on quantities analysis where objectives and targets are accessed and established. Another approach for managing and measuring critical processes is the Balance Scorecard (BSC). The approach covers all aspects of stakeholders and organization behaviors such as growth, customers satisfaction, and customers expectation among others. To enhance the Balance Scorecard methodology, clear strategies, mission statement, and vision of the organization need to be analyzed (Anderson, Rungtusanatham and Schroeder, 1994, p. 88). Distributed Knowledgeable Performance Management System (DKPMS) () is the best approach to use in an organization in this era of data and technology. To ensure effectiveness of the development and the evaluation, there are two frameworks that are used, which include implementation and enabling factors. In terms of performance measures, DKPMS has different uses, which include making decisions, reporting, analyzing, and collecting information regarding all the processes. DKPMS is effective in transforming quality management culture in an organization. Additionally, DKPMS has several advantages during the quality information provision. They include continuous improvement, visibility, precise and correct clarity and timeliness (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 50). The Coca-Cola Company, founded in 1886, is one of the worlds largest manufacturers, distributors, and marketer s of non-alcoholic beverages and has over 300 brands of beverages. The company headquarter is based in Atlanta, Georgia, the U.S.A., and operates in more than 200 countries worldwide. The company mission is to refresh the world, to instigate moments of happiness and confidence and to make a difference and create value. To enhance the growth, the firm has implemented quality assurance to its services and products, thus enhancing customers satisfaction. The mission statement of the company declares its purpose and serves as the standard alongside decision and actions. The Coca-Cola Company has several values, which serve as the scope of its actions. The values include quality, diversity, passion, accountability, integrity, collaboration, and leadership. One reason for the sustainable business growth in the Coca-Cola Company is through understanding the customers local culture such as relaxation activities, recreation and work activities adopted. Likewise, the company contributes back to the community by assisting them in diversity, environment, wellness, health, and education. To improve the quality of their product, the company has adopted Total Quality Coca-Cola Management System (TQCCMS). This paper will discuss the implementation of Total Quality Management System on business performance in the Coca-Cola Company. The case study will candidly explain how Total Quality Management System was developed, frameworks used, customer strategies, customers requirements, performance indicators, as well as the processes used. Quality Evolution in the Coca Cola Company Coca Cola introduced its products in glass bottles in 1899. However, the company has unified different designs of the bottle, which has increased its market growth. Likewise, the company has diversified its brands since its evolution. For instance, in the 1980s, the firm launched a new brand extension, which had different flavors, such as caffeine free coke, cherry coke and diet coke. In the 1990s, the company expanded its package, processes, and products. Having the best quality of beverage products has helped the company to stay apart with the competitors such as Pepsi among other emerging competitors. The approach to manage quality was developed in the mid-1990s due to change in the market place. The company developed a quality management system in 1995 referred to as TCCQS (The Coca-Cola Quality System) (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 90). TCCQS is the Coca Cola quality management system that helps to guide and coordinate its activities to ensure quality of the products which is achieved. The system indicates environment and quality standards which define the results of manufacturing operations expected to be gained. To enhance quality, TCCQS must keep pace with the market place conditions, industry practices, quality management methods, as well as new regulations. Food safety is important for the products; hence, there is a need to create awareness to the supply and manufacturing departments in the company. TCCQS must be up to date with manufacturing practices by improving the requirements. The Coca Cola Company is working for a consumer and customers satisfaction. Additionally, the company is responsible for the citizens of the world, making TCCQS crucial in providing a framework for environmental, and safety stewardship (Li, 2012, P. 1). There are different improvements for the managing system quality implementation as TCCQS evolved. One of the improvements is the provision to external resources such as auditing and training when addressing Coca Cola requirements. The second improvement is being in alignment with external recognized standards. The third improvement is the evolvement of a structure which is modular, streamlined, and simplified. Likewise, evolution of this system enabled the improvement of business excellence and performance in several ways. Firstly, it helped in designing tools and methodologies for problem solving to improve continuously. Secondly, it assisted in incorporating Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) to Quality Management System. Thirdly, it assisted in planning new products and services by including rigorous demands. Fourthly, the evolution has the integrated preventive action for managing. Fifthly, it has demonstrated the active involvement of the top management in managi ng quality in every department unit. Sixthly, it has helped in aligning and integrating quality and business objectives to the monitor performance with metrics (Neely, 1998, p. 55). TCCQS Modular Framework The framework core of the system is quality, safety, and environmental facets. This is due to the fact that the framework allows business units to align with it. The third evolution of the TCCQS model has four layers, which include promise, control, assurance, and policy. The pyramid has the same components parts for facet such that each management system is dependent on one another. For instance, the environmental management system is supported by performance requirements. The diagram below shows the model framework of TCCQS. (Neely, 1998, P. 53) The facet has four layers. The first layer is the promise. The Coca Cola Company has promised to refresh and benefit the customer. This is supported by the company mission statement |To refresh the world (Li, 2012, P. 1). This layer is supported by the entire three facets in the framework. The second layer is the policy. The layer comprises of a policy statement. The policies found in this layer are the safety policy and the environmental policy. The third layer is as the assurance (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 61). The layer comprises of management systems which are designed to ensure the effective control of activities. Similarly, it ensures that the performance requirements are met. On the quality facet, the system has the Quality Management System. The system meets the requirements needed for the ISO standard certification. The Coca Cola ISO standard is 9001:2000. The standard embodies the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) management system, which qualifies the food safety standard. This has assisted the company in staying up the market since the system has all the requirements for food safety governing. Additionally, the quality management system features Coca Cola elements like the Crisis resolution and the incident management. The environmental facet has the Environmental management system. The system has a similar focus with the Quality Management System facet. The environmental system has ensured the Coca Cola Company meets the requirements to be awarded ISO Standard 14001:1996. The Safety Management System has the facet for safety and loss prevention. The system meets the necessities for OHSAS 18001:1999 standard. Coca Cola was awarded all these standards by international registrars Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) and Societe Generale de surveillance- international Certification Services (SGS-ICS) (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 59) . The fourth layer is the control. The Coca Cola Company ensures that all the products are controlled, tested, and inspected to ensure quality products. The control services offered by the system include good environmental practices, cleaning, sanitizing methods, and good manufacturing techniques. Scope The TCCQS scope has benefited from evolution 3. The framework model shows the testing and manufacturing operations. The company organization units and departments are required to adhere to all the regulations of the model despite its size or type. This is to ensure that all the outputs meet the requirements of the customer. Evolution 3 changes the scope of the traditional manufacturing supply chain into three categories. These categories include inbound, transformation, and outbound. Inbound refers to gaining of raw materials. Transformation refers to conversation of raw materials gathered in to usable marketable products. The outbound category refers to how the marketable products are warehoused, distributed, and marketed. Process Model The Coca Cola Company used process the model to improve, implement, and develop the effectiveness of the quality management system. The model controls individuals on how they interact and combine with each other. This increases the ability of the company to satisfy the customers. The diagram below illustrates the Coca Cola quality management process model. (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 66) The Coca Cola Company has existed to refresh and benefit everybody. The quality of products should be measured and tasted. This will enhance the quality and keep the business as per the objectives. Consumers ofnon-alcoholic beverages have always chosen the Coca Cola Company products because of the following reasons. Firstly, the company has a symbol of quality, which attracts the consumers. Secondly, the company product satisfies the. Thirdly, the company is responsible for the citizens by ensuring the products fit for human consumption as well as being healthy products. Quality Management System Each department in the Coca Cola Company must maintain, implement, document, and establish the quality management system. In addition, the system must meet all the required standards for implementation. The quality management system was developed by the company to enhance the market hence boost sales. Likewise, the system was introduced to control leadership in the company to ensure effective running of the business across the world (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 63). Objectives and Goals of the Quality Management System A business plan must be developed by each organizational unit in the company. The business plan comprises of goals and objectives. These will enhance organization improvement hence good effective of the system. Once the system is implemented, it is monitored to ensure the performance is in line with the objectives. The top management communicates to the employees about the business plans in every organization unit. Likewise, the progress must be communicated to the employees regularly. During business planning, there are procedures to be considered. Firstly, the factors for organizational unit success must be determined. Secondly, safety, environmental, economic, and financial factors on the organizational unit should be assessed. Thirdly, the external and internal risks factors should be accessed as well as ways to manage the risks. Fourthly, the needs and the human resource capabilities should be analyzed. Further, the needs, the availability of resources, and the quality capabilit ies should be determined. Generally, the metrics and objectives of the organization unit should be distinguished to help in determining the system type to set up. The objectives should be consistent and measurable with a quality statement. The Coca Cola Company top managers in each organizational unit must plan the quality management system and its integrity to ensure it meets the company objectives (The Coca Cola Company; Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 68). Responsibility of the Management The management in the organizational unit must develop a quality statement that suit an operations method. There are several ways in which the management shows a support to the development of the system. One way is to ensure appropriate resources for the system which are available. Another way is to establish a quality statement that ensures that metrics and objectives are established. Similarly, they act as a mode of communication to the company on necessity to meet the customers satisfaction. Consequently, they ensure HACCP is maintained and implemented in the distribution and manufacturing operations. Likewise, they conduct management reviews as well as ensuring that the customers requirements are met and understood (Neely 1998, p. 53). Resources required to design the system should be determined to ensure a quality system is developed and implemented. This will also assist in improving the quality and effectiveness of the system. The quality statement must be documented and established by the top management. There are different qualities of a good quality statement. Firstly, the statement purpose should be appropriate to the organizational unit. Secondly, the statement should include a commitment to fulfill the requirements hence improve the effectiveness of the Quality management system. Thirdly, it should have a commitment to the food safety. The top management has the role to appoint a supervisor to manage the system development. The supervisor will ensure the system is established, implemented, and maintained as per the processes. Additionally, the supervisor is required to r eport to the top management on the system performance as well as the need for improvement. Moreover, the supervisor should ensure that promotion awareness is available. The management of organizational unit must review and analyze the system at different intervals. There are different inputs summarized by the management for analysis. One of the inputs is the HACCP plan validation and the audit result. Another output is the consumer and the customer feedback. This will help in reviewing the system for changes to ensure it meet the customers satisfaction. The data product and the performance process are the another outputs that should be reviewed. Another output to be reviewed is corrective and preventive actions as well as follow up actions. Likewise, changes that are applied to the system should be reviewed as well as need for a change to make it better (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 65). In addition, the recommendations that have been subjected should be reviewed to improve the quality of the system. Decisions concerning the system must be reviewed by the management to avert the risks that might affect the system. The management reviews must document all their findings for reviewing during the system change. Documents used to develop the quality system for the Coca Cola Company must be documented properly as per the standards. The documents should be numbered, approved, reviewed, and updated as well as being distributed properly to the employees in the departments. Development and Design To develop the Coca Cola Company quality system, the management planned the design first. The plan had the development stages as well as design of the system. Relevant authorities were designated for the development and the design. There was a clear communication between the developers of the system in all the organizational departments in the Coca Cola Company. This ensures that the designers are up to date with the development progress. The development gathered all the requirements which were required by the developers. The top management in the entire organizational department purchased for the materials required to ensure they were available to the developers. This ensured the system was completed in time hence easier implementation of the system. The management reviewed the system by the end of each stage to ensure that it meets all the requirements and objectives of the Coca Cola Company. The documents of all the stages at which the system was developed were documented properly for the future reference in case of the change need (Neely, 1998, p. 93). Once the design process was complete, the system was reviewed, validated, and verified before the implementation. This was done in correspondence to the objectives set during system planning. Likewise, the system was approved as per the standard of ISO certification of Quality. Consequently, the system was implemented for the use by the Coca Cola Company. To ensure effective use of the system, the Coca Cola management has developed and designed changes. The changes documentation has been recorded and identified properly for the future reviews. The changes constitute products and parts that have been delivered to the customers and the feedback that has been received from them. This ensures the company stays up of the competitors in the market. The company has also maintained action and changes, hence satisfying the customers. The measures that were taken by the Coca Cola Company were effective. There are several advantages which resulted from the system. One of the advantages is that the system has helped the Coca Cola Company to compete with its competitors (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 49). The system has helped in the improvement of the quality of their products by ensuring the customers are satisfied. Another advantage is commercialization of products in every department; it has ensured effective merchandising, distribution, and manufacture of new products. Likewise, the system has boosted the advertising of the products, hence making the customers aware of the new products in the market. The feedbacks use from the customers has helped the managers in the organization to review the system and to make changes which increase the sale of the products. In addition, the system has helped the Coca Cola Company to determine its safety problems faster, hence enhancing effectiveness. Another advantage is the evolvement of new brands in the market. This has increased the market of the Coca Cola Company. This has helped the company to produce quality brands of beverages due to the quality and the assurance department model. Advantages and Disadvantages of the TQM System in the Coca Cola Company As clearly stated above, the Total Quality Management System is one of the systems which improves continuously all the work force in any business, ranging from managers and directors to those workers who are involved in the production line. The main focus of this improvement programs is to raise the service delivery level to the customers as well as reduce wastes in any given firm. It is notable that TQM requires the management to get everything right from the first time as well as to continuously improve all the business production. This way, the firm is able to deal with all the upcoming challenges, especially those arising from technological changes, hence remaining profitable both in the short and long-run. Anderson, Rungtusanatham, and Schroeder (1994, p. 34) argue that there are two major characteristics of the TQM. These are focus on delivering quality services to the customers and systematic problem solving, which involves the front line workers. For multinational companies, such as the Coca Cola Company, the implementations of the TQM approach to management have had several advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages of the TQM approach adoption in the Coca Cola Company is the ability to reduce the overall cost of production. Neely (1998, p. 10) indicates that since the onset of the global financial crises, most of the global companies have been forced to reduce their operation costs in order to maintain a healthy growth rate. For instance, in 2008, the U.S. government was forced to bail out major firms, such as General Motors among others, due to the failure of these firms to adopt sustainable management systems. It is notable that the TQM programs enormously eliminat e wastes and defects, which reduce the overall production costs in any given firm, such as the Coca Cola Company. As a result of adopting the TQM approach in most of its enterprises, the Coca Cola Company is currently seeking to save more than $ 600 million by 2015. To achieve this, the firm will start to streamline all its technology systems, standardize business operations, as well as make all its global supply chain systems more efficient. Further, the firm expects the overall cost of integrating the Coca Cola Refreshment Unit to reduce by approximately 15% to $425 million. By reducing the operational costs, the firm will be able to reinvest into notable areas, such as marketing as well as offsetting the raised costs of commodities like packaging, corn syrup, juices among others. In the Coca cola Company, the quality improvement teams, headed by Muhtar Kent, the firms CEO, have been able to eliminate defects, to lower lead time and to indentify all the redundancies involved in the production processes. This way, the firm has been able to maintain high profitability levels, despite the raised global market volatility. The other advantage of the TQM approach is to encourage innovation and invention in any given business. In the recent years, it has become essential for businesses to remain innovative in order to remain relevant, both in the short and long-run. Neely (1998, P. 32) candidly indicates that organizations can tackle innovation and invention by developing or copying their own innovation. The second strategy is useful in those firms which enjoy competitive advantages, like easy access to the required raw materials, low wages, and protected markets among others. However, in order for a firm to obtain the desired competitive advantage, the first strategy should be embraced. For the multinational companies, such as British Airways and the Coca Cola Company, this approach is not only valid for innovations in processes and products but also for innovations in the management. It is extremely notable that multinational companies can easily apply these two strategies if the TQM is adopted. Firms applying the TQM approach are able to assimilate all innovations which are imported from other situations. This is due to the willingness of the employees to adopt new ideas and concepts which are promoted by the TQM approach. As stipulated by Anderson, Rungtusanatham, and Schroeder (1994, p. 37), one of the key elements of the TQM approach is the enormous need for sufficient customer focus. For instance, a company such as Coca Cola has indentified current and future needs of the consumers loyalty as well as the satisfaction levels. It is estimated that the Coca Cola Company is one of the global firms which enjoys the highest customer loyalty, estimated to be over 90%. Other companies, which enjoy such high loyalty levels, include technology companies like Apple Inc., Google inc. and other social media firms, such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. As a result of enhancing the customers satisfaction levels, the Coca Cola Company has been able to maintain a recommendable net income. This is due to the fact that 20% of the net income generated by the firm is obtained from 80% of the loyal customers. In future, the global consumers will become enormously demanding, especially with the development of quality management approaches in most less-advanced economies, such as China, South-East Asia, and South America countries. Neely (1998, p. 71) argues that any changes have to be clearly undertaken with the customers needs in mind, hence the TQM approach will stimulate the desired bbusiness innovations. The other advantage of the total quality management system is to empower the employees. It is notable that one of the philosophies of the TQM approach is to empower all employees in order to seek out quality problems as well as to correct them. Within the old concept of quality, most employees were afraid to identify their problems due to the fear that the senior management might reprimand them. Consequently, productivity levels greatly reduced as the needs and challenges facing the employees were not solved on time (Westin, 1998, p. 55). However, TQM, the new quality concept, offers incentives for all the employees to indentify and solve their problems. This is due to the fact that employees are rewarded due to their ability to uncover quality problems and not punished. For the Coca Cola Company, workers are empowered to make decisions, relative to the quality involved in the production process. In other words, the firm considers employees as a key element for the company to achieve the desired production quality. Therefore, their contributions to the firm are highly valued, thus their viable suggestions are implemented. To further stress on the role played by employees in enhancing quality, TQM helps to differentiate between the internal and external customers. The internal customers are those employees in the firm who receive services or goods from others in the organization. For instance, the packaging department in the firm, such as the Coca Cola Company, is an internal customer of the transport and assembly department. Just like defective products or services can not be passed to the external customers, they should also not be passed to the internal customers. On the other hand, the external customers are those customers who buy products or services from the given firm. For instance, the Coca Cola Company sells more than 400 brands to customers in over 190 countries. Th is has enabled the firm to serve more than 1 million customers on daily basis, thus making the firm to be the largest non-alcoholic beverage company globally. By employing a PDSA ((Plan, Do, Study, Act) cycle in its operations, the Coca Cola Company has been able to reap ample benefits out of the TQM system. The diagram below indicates the main elements of the PDSA cycle (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 58) As a result of the total quality management system adaptation, the Coca Cola Company has faced various challenges. One of the challenges of the TQM approach is the production disruption. It is clear that the TQM system implementation in any given firm demands an extensive training of all the employees. The training includes instructions in the problem solving methods as well as tools. This is crucial in evaluating processes as well as indentifying weaknesses, like the statistical process control, brainstorming techniques among others. During the training period, productivity levels can highly reduce, thus affecting the profitability levels and the investors confidence to the firm. Further, meetings organized by the quality improvement teams take employees from their duties. Generally, it can be noted that while the overall improvements eliminate wastage, reduce lead time as well as improve on productivity, the initial phase of the TQM implementation in organizations, such as Coca Col a, enormously reduces the workers output. The other disadvantage of the TQM system is the raised level of employee resistance to change. Anderson, Rungtusanatham, and Schroeder (1994, p. 77) argue that the TQM system requires ample changes in altitude, mindset, as well as methods of carrying out the assigned tasks. One of the factors essential in reducing the resistance of employees to change is through the effective communication from the top management, failure to which the employees end up being fearful, hence raising their resistance levels. When the employees resist the TQM program, their productivity, and morale towards the business is reduced significantly. As indicated above, TQM demands for organizational changes, rather than radical organizational reforms. It is evident that the real quality improvements demands for radical structural changes, like flattening organizational structures .Further, employees ought to be liberated from tyranny of functionalisms and stifling control systems, both of which hinder the effe ctive teamwork in most workplaces. Generally, the long-term advantages of the TQM system highly outweigh the shortcomings. Therefore, the system should be implemented by those organizations which yearn for changes, especially the multinational organizations which deal with employees from various cultural backgrounds. Evaluation of the Total Quality Measurement System According to Kotter Cohen (2002, p. 108), evaluation is the systematic determination of the worth, merit or significance of the task being undertaken using given criteria against a certain set of standards. Performance measurement aims to establish on whether a certain program attains its objectives, which is expressed as a measurable performance standard. Program evaluation highly examines on the broader range of information regarding the program performance as well as its context (Kotter Cohen, 2002, p. 13). Depending on their level of focus, evaluation can examine aspects of program operations, or issues in the program environment, which may contribute or impede to its success. This way, it becomes easy to explain a linkage between the program activities, inputs, outputs, as well as outcomes. Alternatively, the system or program evaluation can assess the effects of the program beyond its set objectives as well as estimate what is likely to happen in the absence of the program. T herefore, leaders and managers can be able to asses the net impact of the system or program. The importance of evaluating the certain performance measurement impact being undertaken by a firm cannot be underrated. Performance system is a type of measurement for control. Measurement and evaluation are important as they help in assessing performance against the set plans, thus being able to correct any deviation. In this regard, evaluation is concerned with all the past data as well as the current implications. Measurement and evaluation are also crucial for accountability purposes. For instance, in the Coca Cola Company, the raising powers and concerns of customers, suppliers, shareholders among other stakeholders, as well as the ways in which their respective powers continue to drastically change, have resulted to a raised demand for accountability. Therefore, accountability is a field of the performance measurement that has an enormous significance, as it is constantly changing in nature. In this regard, the TQM system evaluation is concerned with accountability as compared to accounting. Performance measurement and evaluation are also crucial in the strategy formulation. Anderson, Rungtusana tham, and Schroeder (1994, p. 41) argue that evaluation for the strategy formulation is basically concerned with predictions. When developing its strategies, the Coca Cola Company should select a range of alternative courses of actions, especially those which are close to the current and future constraints and circumstances facing the firm. In making this selection, the Coca Cola Company must have a well-known means of evaluating all the available alternatives, in whatever terms considered relevant and appropriate. It is notable that a state-of-the-art system for measuring and evaluating performance should monitor all the vital signs of the organization. For instance, in each level, the TQM system adopted by the Coca Cola Company, should translate the high vision of the firm into individual performance measures. This way, TQM will be able to support a competitive spirit, to highlight excellence, to offer a foundation for the continuous improvement. There are different ways in which the impact of the TQM system adopted by Coca Cola can be evaluated, thus understanding its importance to the company. One of the methods that can be employed is the process evaluation, also known as the implementation evaluation. This is a type of evaluation that accesses the extent which program is operating as initially intended to. By employing this method, it will be able to assess the conformance of TQM to the regulatory and statutory requirements, the customer expectations, as well as the professional standards. The other method of evaluating the performance of the TQM system in the Coca Cola Company is through the outcome evaluation. In this method of evaluation, the extent to which the TQM system has achieved its outcome-oriented targets will be assessed. Anderson, Rungtusanatham, and Schroeder (1994, p. 22) argue that the outcome evaluation focuses on outcomes and outputs, including the unintended effects in judging the effectiveness of the program. Further, it may assess a program process, thus being able to know how outcomes are produced. The impact evaluation is the other way in which the effectiveness of the TQM system in the Coca Cola Company may be assessed. This is a type of the outcome evaluation that assesses the overall effects of the system by comparing outcomes with what would have taken place in the absence of the system or program. It is highly notable that this type of evaluation is mostly employed when all the external factors are known to influence the outcomes of the system, thus isolating the contribution of the system to achievements of its objectives. The other method that can be used is the cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis. These types of analysis compare the outcomes or outputs with the costs or resources expended, in order to produce them. When these two methods are applied for the existing programs, they also form a part of the system evaluation. The cost-effectiveness analysis measures the cost of meeting a single objective or a goal; thus it can be employed when indentifying the least costly alternatives of meeting the desired goals or objectives. On the other hand, the cost-benefit analysis helps to indentify all the relevant benefits and costs, which are usually expressed in monetary value. For the Coca Cola Company, there are several techniques employed to evaluate the success of the set performance management technique. In order to enhance quality management of the available resources, every organization unit is supposed to implement audit procedures, thus being able to asses the intent, effectiveness and implementation of the quality system. To measure the effectiveness of the audit procedures, each of the departments is supposed to determine the person who is responsible for carrying out the audit activities, such as the required competency; the auditors are required to be independent and are not supposed to audit their work. Further, every department should have a documented schedule, which defines the auditing frequency. This schedule should take into consideration the results of the former audits. For all internal audits, the auditing schedule should ensure that every element of the quality system is thoroughly reviewed annually. Improving the Total Quality Management System The need for improving the management system adopted by the Coca Cola Company cannot be underrated. This is due to the fact that it is a key ingredient to a short and long-term sustainability of the firm; hence, it should be improved from time to time to counter the emerging management challenges. Anderson, Rungtusanatham, and Schroeder (1994, p. 12) argue that the key to any improved performance measurement is the growth of integrated performance measurement systems. The integrated systems revolve around unified themes like a value creation or a business strategy. They are highly concerned with evaluating the critical aspects of structures, which link processes in the firm and activities of the people to the overall intended outcomes for the firms stakeholders. In most cases, integrated systems represent the quality concerns during production, the level of customers satisfaction, the monetary discipline of accounting among other notable corporate sub-systems. The sophisticated structure of an integrated performance system is extremely beneficial to the management; though, it does not eliminate various basic difficulties regarding performance measurement. It should be noted that businesses, especially those having international interests, are enormously complex organizations. Therefore, they offer more opportunities for measurements than can be well employed by the management. In spite of all the difficulties, which face integrated performance management, the benefits far outweigh the expected costs. In regard to this, an improved measurement system, such as TQM, helps in aligning the people actions people in the organization, thus ensuring that employees work together in accomplishing the intended goals. Generally, the unified system of measurement helps in creation of a single version of the truth. This way, it becomes possible for the management and leaders to avoid workplace misunderstanding as well as conflicts arising from inappropri ate data or inconsistent data. Further, by establishing the integrated TQM system in the Coca Cola Company, it will be possible to motivate employee by conveying an enormous sense of logic and fairness in the score keeping. Employees will be able to seek to perform their best, bearing in mind that the integrated TQM will impartially and accurately measure the contributions they make to the firm as well as the extent of their respective success levels. From the above information, it is clear that the importance of an effective performance management system to the overall sustainability of a given firm cannot be underrated. By employing the TQM system in measuring as well as evaluating its performance management, the Coca Cola Company has been able to involve all the stakeholders, thus boosting the firm net profitability over years, despite the prevailing hard economic times globally. In future, companies should adopt the integrated performance measurement as it has more returns as compared to the traditional systems. This way, they will be able to ensure a short and long-term sustainability. Buy custom Performance Measurement System essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Redesigned SAT Essay Prompts

Redesigned SAT Essay Prompts    The SAT Essay is no longer a simple read and respond kind of a prompt where the tester forms his or her own opinion on a topic and supports it with facts and examples. The Redesigned SAT essay prompts require the tester to read a persuasive text, and then analyze the authors opinion, explaining how the author builds his or her argument.   Redesigned SAT Essay Prompts Here are some prompts from the College Board and the Khan Academy, followed by a prompt on this page so you can get started practicing right now! College Board SAT Essay Prompt 1College Board SAT Essay Prompt 2Khan Academy SAT Essay Prompt Practice With a Redesigned SAT Essay Prompt Now As you read the passage below, consider how Caroline Walker  uses evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed. Adapted from Caroline Walker, Media Outlets Are Getting the Drift That a Daily Dose of Heavy News Isnt Enough for Well-Rounded Brains.  © 2009 by the HuffingtonPost.com Originally published September 6, 2009. Caroline Walker is a freelance writer and editor. There’s a trend catching on in the news; it’s called seeing the bright side and it couldnt come at a better time. Despite associations with earnest idealism, â€Å"goodness† is a smart sell. It comes down to marketing logic - with the side benefit of possibly changing our collective conscience for the better. It’s about using language that engages readers and keep our hopelessness at bay. We already know what it feels like to be beaten over the head with gut-wrenching headlines. The timing is right to try something new. It starts simply, with softer columns peppered in among gruesome stories. Take this example from the New York Times, published a little while back and earning hefty responses from a slew of fans. In â€Å"The Consolation of Animalsâ€Å" by Richard Conniff, the author talks about witnessing animals in their element, watching wildlife do its thing. He makes the case that experiencing the wild kingdom doesn’t require an expensive safari or a swim down the Amazon. Check your backyard, your nearest pond, your shadiest tree. â€Å"People who do dumb stuff like racing red-throated loons down a beach in the dead of winter - or even just stopping to admire swans flying overhead, their wings creaking like door hinges - are liable to get a reputation for being a little nuts. But I prefer to think of it as what makes me almost sane. These encounters with the lords of life (and also with the soybeans) pull me up out of the pettiness and stupidity of my workaday life.† The post drew my attention to its home on the newish Times series called â€Å"Happy Days: The Pursuit of What Matters in Troubled Times.† Most headlines skew toward doom and gloom, leaving feel-good stories in the dust. Digging through daily articles to search for inspiring ones can sometimes feel like a futile treasure hunt. We know they’re out there, everywhere... they’re just not always easy to find. Media outlets also seem to be recognizing that a reader can only take so much heaviness, and that if we’re going to pitch in toward making things better in our world we’ve got to be reminded that there’s plenty of goodness to be found. From the Happy Days site: â€Å"The severe economic downturn has forced many people to reassess their values and the ways they act on them in their daily lives. For some, the pursuit of happiness, sanity, or even survival, has been transformed. Happy Days is a discussion about the search for contentment in its many forms - economic, emotional, physical, spiritual - and the stories of those striving to come to terms with the lives they lead.† The Times isn’t alone. CNN started the CNN Heroes series last year, and it’s still going strong. Then NBC Nightly News and Brian Williams asked readers to offer their own â€Å"good news† stories. Submissions - and requests - for positive news poured in. It can’t be long before others catch on and balance the necessity of learning about the world’s tragedies and struggles with the desire to hear about humanity’s efforts to heal these wounds. I think it’s safe to say that we’ve reached a point of compassion fatigue where crisis and tragedy don’t penetrate our brains and hearts in a sufficiently empathy-provoking way. We need balance. It’s important to know about war and economic crashes, disease and catastrophe that affect our world, but without anything to counter the heaviness, it makes for a rather desolate template. The state of affairs starts looking hopeless, change seems elusive, and the Kardashians become infinitely more mentally digestible than foreclosure rates and bombings. Wanting to re-frame issues in a good light isn’t just idealism; it’s responsible business and effective persuasion. It’s a little bit of subliminal manipulation, and it’s all good as far as I’m concerned - re-frame an issue with a positive slant and we can trick readers into learning about concerns that need our collective attention. It’s official: Kindness is cool. Nice is all right. Good news is here to stay. SAT Essay Prompt:   Write an essay in which you explain how Caroline Walker  builds an argument to persuade her audience that positive news stories are important. In your essay, analyze how Walker uses one or more of the features in the directions that precede the passage (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of her argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Walker’s claims, but rather explain how Walker builds an argument to persuade her audience.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Internet Resourcing Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Internet Resourcing Project - Research Paper Example I know the chances of playing professional football depend as much to the player as the coach. They work together to build the strongest team possible. The players have the grit, the coach uses and makes the plan. I admire the role the coach plays in any ball game. The coach serves as teacher and commander. He is the think tank. In following career in football, it is not my goal to remain as a player but to coach. My plans involve getting a contract in the college athletic division as a football coach. I know there are many skills that I need to develop first and I also need to know the job. This is why I narrowed my research down to focus on coaching college football. My research topic is football. I narrowed it down to college football because I will play as a college football player. However, I don't see myself as a player forever but as a coach. I wanted to help players play their best and be the best they can be. As a coach I know I have the chance to motivate and mentor them. At this stage of my research, I found 30 websites that I believe can be helpful in furthering my subject research. The list of websites includes: My search started with identifying three search directories available in the internet. I did that by searching over Google with the keywords "list of search directories" and found 10,400,000 hits. I scrolled and found the link "major search engine directory" from searchenginewatch.com. I clicked the link and it led me to a list of top choice search directories in the web. Among the top picks, I chose Google, AllTheWeb and Teoma. The first search directory that I used was www.alltheweb.com. I entered "football" in the search tab and the engine came out with 1,080,000,000 hits. I then scrolled through the lists of URLs and opened links that I thought would help me in my research. Probably because of its high-multitude of hits, I only had to surf 14 pages of URL list to collect 10 websites from this directory. The websites are:

Friday, October 18, 2019

Zinns Primary Points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Zinns Primary Points - Essay Example These people are faced by ethnic and religious conflict. Therefore, Zinn’s primary points on this include â€Å"there is no pennant great enough to face the indignity of killing blameless people.† He also observed that in the past, the most terrible things have come up not from insubordination but obedience. Zinn points out that you cannot have a war on violence while violence itself is a war (155). According to Zinn, dispute beyond the law is not an exit from democracy rather, it is enormously essential to it. It is also a notable point that simple actions, once multiplied by millions of citizens can change the whole world (158). He also observes that, and in such a humanity of disagreement, a world of fatalities and executioners, it is the work of rational people, to be against the executioners (355) My thought on these primary points is that Howard zinn had keenly observed and came into a conclusion that, in the modern world people are so much interested in what they can achieve on their own, as well as the struggle to go up the socio economic ladder. Evidently, people have done terrible things out of their own will and hurt so many individuals, all for selfish gains. This could only have avoided. Development of racism Racism exists when a single ethnic group dominates or seeks to exclude another because they have different believes that are hereditary and cannot be altered. Ideological grounds for unequivocal racism came to an exceptional fruition in the west throughout the modern time. However, there is no comprehensible evidence of racism in other cultures. Never the less, Zinn argues that the classification of the Jews with the evil spirit is a sign chauvinistic view of the human race (455). Different cultures are associated with different things and happenings that make the world view them differently. It was during the period of reformation and renaissance that the Europeans met the people from Africa and Asia and the Americans judged the m. Evidently, The Americans viewed Africans as dirty people, an argument that was based on their skin color. Moreover, Americans did not believe in being ruled by Africans because they had a low opinion towards them. The culmination of the history racism emerged in the twentieth century during the racist regime. Apparently, in South America the Africans were denied the right to vote which put them to a subordinate case class. Howard Zinn further observes that extreme racism misinformation is where by black men were seen as greedy monster lusting and running after white women for their money (473). Consequently, there were strict laws against any sexual relations among whites and the so-called black Africans. This evidently brought out the inequity that existed between blacks and the whites hence the whole idea of racism. I strongly agree with Zinn’s Explanation of the development of racism. This is because the idea of racism began as a simple discrimination and ended up creat ing a big gap between cultures. People concentrated on fighting each other. Were it not for this people could live like brothers, which was the initial intention of God. Consequently, the cause of racism is an important factor to be considered because most people are judged according to where they live, cars they drive, and how much they earn. Therefore, this may make people think that the black Africans are generally poor due to their large number in terms of population. On the other hand, racism makes people feel incapable hence do not give their all. In addition, young children who thrive in these areas do not get to relate with kids from other races, which limits them in terms of what they can learn from each other. Major themes raised by Zinn Zinn’

Measurement, appreciation, and knowledge are key terms in James's The Essay

Measurement, appreciation, and knowledge are key terms in James's The Beast in the Jungle. How do these w - Essay Example Even when May, on her deathbed told him had the beast had already struck him, he could not make out what the beast was. He had failed to appreciate the importance of May in his life and did not reciprocate her affection. It was only after her death that he gained knowledge of his fate that he was the only man in the world to whom nothing had ever happened. He realized that he had been wasting his life and the doom that had befallen him was actually the loneliness which he had earned because of his futile anticipations of the unknown beast. Marcher failed to measure the vastness of life and never appreciated its significance. He had wasted his life as he always waited for some extraordinary thing to happen to him while not yearning for any. Had he appreciated the value of his life, he would have been a happy man without having regret as his final abode (James). Works Cited James, Henry. The Beast in the Jungle. CreateSpace, 2011.Print.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Psychological Analysis of the Story of Adam and Eve Essay

Psychological Analysis of the Story of Adam and Eve - Essay Example Interestingly, the Jewish story of God has a companion for him called Sophia 'Knowledge'. If God is the Oedipal father, then Sophia is the unobtainable mother. God is the mental 'superego', the judge or conscience. Adam is the Libido or Id. He is the human being of base desires; all this actions are inborn, and he lives in a state of gratification and simplicity. Eve is symbolic of the ego, which is concerned with the external reality, and the balance between physical desire and mental processes. Adam's knowledge is filtered through her; and where as Adam is unified with God's will, having no ego of his own, Eve is independent, her will is self-will, and Adam's is the will of the Other. Lucifer, as the serpent, is the symbol of a human being coming to consciousness, moving away from his parent, and beginning to reach out beyond the limitations of the Father. The serpent can be seen as the one who brings Adam and Eve out of the oedipal complex, and into the mental processes of Eros and Thanatos. In the story of Genesis, God is the Forbidding Father, or Thanatos, closely connected to the death drive; He represses the knowledge and understanding of Adam.

Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Development Plan - Essay Example This article gives an answer why getting into a Masters Degree in the University College of London program entails a different set of skills and abilities. Author gives an example of her skills and abilities demanded for this program. The University College of London (UCL) is known to be one of the world’s best universities. This is the ultimate reason why I have decided to apply for a master’s degree program with UCL. Its academic programs are known to be one of the best in UK. UCL, being a public research university, offers affordable education without sacrificing quality. This is another reason for choosing UCL. I can comfortably attend to my studies without worrying about the costs. Furthermore, this university is also proximal to my area of residence. In the Chinese history, Liu Bang was the founder and first emperor of the Han Dynasty, and Xiang Yu was a political figure during the same period with Liu. There was a famous battle between them, which is known as Chu-Han Contention. Xiang got 400,000 very strong soldiers. However, he failed in the war by fighting with only Gao's 100,000 soldiers. The reason of Gao's success was because he put the right people in the right place from this ancient example, we can know how important the enterprise management would be. In 2011 and 2012, I took the internship in CITIC Securities Ltd and PWC respectively. In these two periods, I further my understanding about the significance of enterprise management since I was connected closely with the staff within management from the first day I came in to the last day I left. In the very beginning, the representative of enterprise management provided all the interns with primary training for a half day in order to familiarize all the routines during our work. In the preceding time, I needed to frequently contact with them, not only handing in my time sheet but also reporting them any particular personal issues such as a sick leave. From ancient example and my personal experience, I see that enterprise management has played and will continue to play an essential role in a company or even a nation. Without it, the enterprise would never survive especially in present society with such an intensive competition. Essentially, Enterprise Management develops in a person the skill to look into business management from a holistic and integrated perspective. That is why I have been intrigued by enterprise management. To me, it is a higher level of understanding business